Why should i choose UW-Madison?

<p>Hey everyone. I've recently been admitted to Wisconsin Madison and UConn but i'm having a very difficult time choosing which one to attend. I'm on the east coast, about 5 hours away from UConn, but location and cost are not really an issue. I plan on majoring in polisci and perhaps econ. Why do you guys think I should choose Wisconsin over UConn? Thanks.</p>

<p>wisc has a kickass poli sci dept. and was ranked #1 by playboy for 'books, babes and beer'</p>

<p>i can't speak for you of course and don't make your choice merely based on this... but i know where i would be going.

<p>wisconsin is stronger academically than uconn</p>

<p>Compaq06, first of all, congratulations on your transfer admission to Wisconsin! I don't know enough about UConn to give you an objective view. As a Wisc alum, I do know that Madison provides a superior undegraduate experience for most political science students. However, I strongly suggest that you take additional steps to make sure that Wisconsin is really RIGHT for you. So, take advantage of any admitted student events to visit Madison. Look up student club info on school website and email/talk to some student officers. Get a few alumni contacts in your area from the adcom and talk to them as well. Ask them if your local alum club offers scholarship!! Then go with your instinct. Good luck!</p>

<p>Agree with the above posts- the weather's no different, the student body is. Very liberal, never a reason to leave the campus area for things to do, beautiful lakeshore, nice city, gets many east coast students... Academics. The only naysayers will be those on the waiting list hoping for your spot.</p>

<p>UConn is trying to build a town for the students to enjoy off campus as currently Storrs is a bore. Madison is universally called one of the best college towns in the US. Better campus, better sports, better social life and much better academcis--no contest.
Here's an article that deals mostly with bio but has a great overview of Madison and the UW.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.the-scientist.com/2005/6/20/46/1/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.the-scientist.com/2005/6/20/46/1/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Bottom line: If you get the same grades in the same classes at either school, Madison will look better on the resume. It is an elite public, rivaled only by Umich, Berkeley, UCLA, Chapel Hill, and the like..</p>

<p>Just 2 really stupid questions but i feel i have to ask:</p>

<p>Is there a starbucks on campus, if so where ?</p>

<p>Can limewire be installed on the network ?</p>

<p>God do i feel like a dork, but hey these are 2 essential things in life, next to love, food, water and shelter.</p>

<p>and just to fit into the thread...</p>

<p>" Wisconsin has been one of the leading public universities in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century and ranks as one of the great research universities of the world.[9]</p>

<p>In U.S. News & World Report's ranking of national universities in 2007, Wisconsin ranked 34th.[10] Among U.S. universities, UW-Madison is frequently listed as one of the "public Ivies"—publicly-funded universities providing a quality of education comparable to those of the Ivy League.[11] In addition to being a top-ranked school in education, geography, history, and sociology, the university was recently ranked the second-best college at which to earn an education degree, and the overall seventh-best public university in the United States.</p>

<p>Washington Monthly's 2006 college rankings placed Wisconsin 11th, based not only on academic measures, but also student research, public service and social mobility.[12]</p>

<p>In the Gourman report on undergraduate programs, the University of Wisconsin was ranked the third-best public university, after the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Michigan. Additionally, it was ranked the seventh-best university in the United States for overall strength of the undergraduate programs. According to the National Research Council there are over 70 programs at UW-Madison ranked in the top 10 nationally. According to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University rankings,[13] the University of Wisconsin-Madison was ranked the 16th best university the world over.</p>

<p>In a 2004 study by Bloomberg Market News, researchers found that UW-Madison tied Harvard for producing the most CEOs at Standard & Poor’s 500 companies.[14] UW-Madison is second only to Harvard in the number of alumni receiving doctorates, and leads the nation by numbers of alumni in the Peace Corps.[15] The University is one of 60 elected members of the Association of American Universities. " --Wikipedia</p>


<p>There is one nearby to Memory Library (I think on State St). I don't think DoIT actively monitors limewire or any p2p traffic. But if you were caught downloading or uploading illegal content (on campus network), you can kiss your student ID goodbye.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the responses everyone! i think i will end up choosing Wisconsin over UConn! i'm a transfer student and am really nervous about transferring but it has to be done. go badgers!</p>

<p>oh, and any other input would still be appreciated. thanks!</p>

<p>I think these are great services for students. But do these work well?</p>

<p>UW just seems so great, and definetly better than UCONN</p>

<p>but than again that is my opinion and your choice should be YOUR opinion .....</p>

<p>UW-Madison is far superior academically to UCONN.</p>

<p>"The dorm has tutoring serivces and some classes are held at the dorm. </p>

<p>I think these are great services for students. But do these work well?"</p>

<p>No. Sister goes to Madison and says lines for tutors in Chadbourne and Bradley are absolutely ridiculous, and they aren't even helpful.</p>

<p>haha...i would not say far superior...its better....but come on, get real!</p>

<p>What do you mean? Wisconsin is a Top 10 public school; UConn, on the other hand, is a mediocre state institution in a terrible location. The ONLY advantage to a UConn education is the knowledge that, in 20-30 years, it will look better than it does today (the state is pumping massive amounts of money into the school.) </p>

<p>My advice to the original poster: only choose UConn if the money situation is dire. Going there would have been a lot easier on my parents financially, but we figured that UW, at 3x the price, is still more bang for the buck. In the end, I decided not even to bother applying (even as a last resort, I'd have opted against it) - instead, I found a few "Best Buy" state schools across the country to serve as safeties.</p>

<p>To add: I notice that you're OOS for UConn, in which case, you'd have to be clinically insane to go there.</p>

<p>i second CT343... but you wouldn't be 'insane' .... you would just be.... different ... lol</p>

<p>CT343, will you mind to share your "Best Buy" state school safeties?</p>