Why should i go to Purdue? (or why not)

I will know two more college decisions this week… but now these are the choices I have and it is really troubling me-
University of Washington
UCSD (wait-listed)

I’m an asian female that wants to study engineering (bio/biomedical).

Even though I have always leaned towards going to Purdue, my father thinks that I should go to University of Washington and my mother thinks I should try to pursue UCSD…

The reason I want to go to Purdue is…

  • strong and famous engineering program
  • strong community (no matter which website i visit, there are always comments about how great the school is)
  • environment seems really academically challenging

The reason my father wants me to go to University of Washington is
-the cherry blossoms in UW campus
-the liberal culture
-the nature: Mt. Rainier, Puget Sound, islands, lakes, etc.
-many companies in the US started in Seattle.

basically he thinks that Purdue is a good school and UW is a good school in a good city… he thinks that both are equally strong academically wise, but he personally thinks that the environment in UW is more friendly. He also said that Purdue students don’t have much to do other than staying on campus so there is a lot of competition between students.

I am naturally an introvert but I would love to challenge myself and meet new people in college…

so if there is anyone that can help me here… if you had the choice, which school would you go and why? what are the pros and cons? how about the atmosphere of the students (friendly, competitive… etc)

Thank you so much… any suggestions and options are appreciated.

I go to Purdue and didn’t look at schools outside of a 4 hour radius from my home, so I don’t know anything about UW. I love Purdue. It’s hard, but I wouldn’t say it’s super competitive either. I know that if I see someone from my class in the computer lab I can ask them for help on something. Generally, engineering is very collaborative when it comes to working on homework and stuff if you find your group. Also, pretty much all the people I know have some sort of a social life since there are so many people on campus. I’m also challenged academically as well. I guess the irregular weather and cold winter is kind of a turn off, but you get used to it.