Why so quiet?

<p>Why so little buzz over this school? My child was accepted here, and a couple of other schools as well. The others have lots of kids posting on FB - super excited - this school is quiet. Nobody saying much of anything. Haven’t visited the college yet - so we’re not gong to decide anything until we do - just curious why there’s crickets. </p>

<p>any thoughts? </p>

<p>They’re not pressuring you for a response by April 11 are they? They’re not supposed to do that since school are supposed to follow the May 1 date.</p>

<p>Yes, I believe they did give us a decide by date in April. We were surprised - not sure we can travel there by the date and seems foolish to say yes without visiting the campus first. </p>

<p>Just discovered that I am the waitlist today. I think it is pretty common for colleges to give such an early date for decisions for performing arts programs because those of us who also have to decide by May 1st are also hoping to see all their options as soon as possible. </p>