Why such discrepancy on financial aid between the UC's

<p>My son was not awarded any Cal Grants due to “Reported Income over the Ceiling”. He was awarded a wopping $249.00 a year from UCD but when we looked at his preliminary Award from UCSD he was awarded almost $13,000!!! He got a Pell Grant, Academic Competiveness Grant and a UCSD Grant! Are these awards the sole discretion of each individual school regardless of what FAFSA or Cal Grants state?!? So confused!</p>

<p>I'm not sure, but this gives me hope seeing as I got essentially nothing at all from Davis (despite having two brothers in college next year). After my parents' and my own estimated contributions, plus the ~$5000 loans they offered me, I was still left with over $20,000 for which I would pretty much have to get loans to pay (yearly). I was also wondering if maybe they just refuse to give aid to out-of-state applicants, as this would explain the extremely low percentages of OOS students.</p>

<p>Hopefully Irvine will be different though, and from your experience it sounds like I may still have a chance.</p>

<p>I got a letter from the Cal Grant saying that my income was above the ceiling but I ended up getting $7,000 from San Diego and LA for Cal Grant B. UCLA gave me more aid than SD but it wasn't by that much.</p>

<p>maybe because SD and LA have more endowment money so they can afford to give out more to students.</p>

<p>Actually, Davis has the largest endowment of all the UC's.</p>


<p>If your son got Pell at UCSD, he should have also gotten it at UCD. Same with the ACGrant. I think UC Davis is still inputing figures for Financial Aid. If I recall correctly, the FA package at UC Davis changed almost daily for about a week or two.</p>

<p>We found that the financial aid packages were remarkably similar among the UCs with the exception of UC Irvine (son got Regents there) and UC Davis. Son didn't get Regents at Davis but they offered him several school scholarships to eliminate the loan and work study portion of his financial aid package.</p>

<p>Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.</p>

<p>How do you find out whether or not you receive aid from the school you got into? Does it state the financial aid they're giving the individual when the acceptance letter arrives in the mail?</p>

<p>It depends on the school, Davis has a site where you can check and Irvine's isn't out yet (as far as I know). I'm not sure about the others</p>

<p>is it normal to get Cal Grant B at some UCs, while other UCs offer Cal Grant A??</p>