Why the hell would somebody do this?

<p>I was walking to meet my friends at the kebab shop after a club last night, and I passed two guys in the street. One of them was shouting some horrible things at me.. "get your t<em>ts out",.. "come suck this"...ect ect. I was mortified (and I'd had a few to drink, you understand) I told them frankly to get lost. After that it got ten times worse! They were shouting f</em><strong><em>g slag, f</em></strong>*g dog, fat cow..ect ect..</p>

<p>I mean... why????</p>

<p>When I eventually got back home the same guys were stood outside my block, and of course I came home with the same parade of abuse. One of them got right up close to my face and was saying the most horrible things..</p>

<p>I got to my room and I was so upset. I've kinda been upset ever since. Does anyone know why people would do this?</p>

<p>Influence of Inebriating substances?

<p>Seriosly, there are some people out there who enjoy harrasing others. The best thing to do is to learn to ignore them. I'm sorry that you had to put up with guys like that.</p>

<p>Just ignore people who act in that manner, and then run away, quickly. I would guess said men were also drunk and figured upon seeing that you were as well that they could get an easy lay. They figured they might abuse you into it, probably not knowing that you were still semi-sober.</p>

<p>Maybe that had a little too much to drink??</p>

<p>^^^^^ bingo.</p>

<p>maybe its because u live in a bad part of town?</p>

<p>I hope they didn’t see where you lived?</p>

<p>DARN YOUR ENGLANDERS....you and your lower drinking age.....
why didnt you grab a taxi home or walk with some friends home?
dont worry about it, they were just drunk and acting stupid.....and i agree wiht lights_outs, i hope they dont know where you live...because if they do, take a bat and right before you swing at them, be like "hey guess whats my friend's sn is.... lights out biatch" lol :)</p>

<p>WHOA WHAT IS THIS RED SOX.......THAT IS A DISGRACE......YANKEES ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>one day, when we fully understand superstring theory we will be able to explain it. it is likely caused by the quantum vibrations occuring within the limited neurons you and they possess. </p>

<p>in the mean time, don't drink so much and don't get upset if a bunch of drunks yell at you.</p>

<p>haha that's a good one miler, but thats not what i meant by my name. but yea itd be a lil crazy if they knew where you lived, cuz they can harass you later or maybe even worse..</p>

<p>I think they might since she said:

Hopefully there are no further incidents.</p>

<p>Try to avoid any further incidents like this one by not drinking so much and not going out too late at night. Of course, they were at fault here and should not have done what they did.</p>

<p>umm in ur post u said "ect" and its actually etc., short for et cetera. just thought you should know, some people actually go though life spelling it incorrectly. terrible. ohh yess..those people calling you names...not nice. but u were drunk....</p>

<p>i need to tell you this. good luck.</p>

<p>You will encounter people in life that will do the most wacky and irritating things to infuriate you. It's all about learning how to deal with such beings.</p>

<p>The best way to deal with them is by ignoring them.</p>



<p>Umm in your post you said "u" short for "you." Just thought you should know, some people actually go though life spelling it incorrectly. Terrible! Oh, yes ..those people calling you names... [They were] not nice. But you were drunk....</p>

<p>Olive_Tree has adopted the Hispanic method. Loud verbal deterrents and mace also work if it gets too rough...</p>

<p>Use pepperspray/a gun and steal their wallets next time.</p>

<p>I meant for women, not men...she does not want to be a criminal, merely someone who is safe.</p>