"why this major"

<p>I was wondering how most people go about writing this type of essay. Is it similar to the "why this college" essay where you mention different aspects and specific things about the college?</p>

<p>My intended major is some hard science : Biology/psych, chem, neuroscience, etc.</p>

<p>I was wondering if this essay would work:
Talking about my autistic brother and my experiences taking care of him, watching him grow and how that's sort of been the #1 influence in my life, thus making me more interested in science/research/medicine.</p>

<p>Would this type of essay work? I'd spend the first half talking about my bro, and the conclusion/ending naming the exact major I want to go into, etc.</p>

<p>I think that would be an awesome essay.</p>

<p>Depends on how you execute. Colleges gets those generic types of essays all the time. “Through personal growth and extreme personal hardship, I learned gained invaluable experience that reaffirm my desire to pursue medicine.” </p>

<p>I’m sure admissions would like to see more concrete action. Professing an ‘interest’ can only get you so far in terms of admissions. Show passion and commitment by describing a science research or medically related activity that you have spent time on and describe that in great passion and detail. Afterwards, conclude with a touching reconnection back to the main theme of your story of your brother and talk about how it has influenced your life.</p>

<p>That sounds like great advice phead. I’ll definitely think of inserting some sort of medically related activity in the middle and reconnect it at the end with my major and brother.</p>

<p>That’s a great idea for a major. My sister has autism and I want to major in psychology (or philosophy) so I guess we’re in the same boat, but honestly she is not the reason why it is interesting to me, other factors are included in that. Make sure your essay demonstrates the many struggles you have shared with your brother and what his condition has taught you, but do NOT make it just one big pity party. Inspiring stories are great, but one big bowl of pity is just depressing. Make it creative, share the good times and the bad times and make sure you connect it to your major (if your brother really is the reason why you want to study psychology).</p>

<p>^ thanks. I can tell that your essay will be great since you won’t only talk about your sister as your only reason. I think for me, honestly, my bro has been the greatest influence and I can’t really think of any other huge factors that made me (more) interested in sciences. </p>

<p>Thanks for the tips: I will definitely not make it a “big bowl of pity” lol, i’ll try add some humor. I guess i’ll also talk about volunteering at a clinic like Phead said, to demonstrate a passion. Good luck in your apps urmomgoes2colege!</p>

<p>Nooob, maybe you should sit down and have a brainstorming session? Just freewrite. Think of all the reasons besides your brother that you’re interested in the hard sciences. Write down EVERYTHING, even something that sounds inconsequential or stupid. Don’t erase anything.</p>

<p>After you’re done, give yourself a few hours or a day and go back and insert some elaboration underneath each reason. If you wrote down “really awesome class in middle school,” for example, elaborate on WHAT made the class really awesome and why you enjoyed it so much. Connect yourself back to those experiences.</p>

<p>There must be something other than your brother that really made you interested in the natural sciences. An essay like this may work on the undergrad level, but I know for graduate school admissions (I’m in psychology) it was known as a “kiss of death” to write that the reason you wanted to go to school was become some family member had a psychological problem. I think the way you’ve spun it, it will work better (because you’re using it as general inspiration) but I think if there are other and more personal reasons in your essay, it will be stronger overall.</p>

<p>^ thank you! i will try and do just that. Keep a general overall inspiration but add a lot of other reasons/details to supplement it. Thanks!</p>

<p>awesome, i will definitely put that in my essay as well :P</p>