Why University of Miami (Oxford) over University of Dayton???

<p>I've been accepted into both and have been wondering what is it that makes Miami U so much better than University of Dayton?</p>

<p>Did you check on the student stats? Would your peer group have had higher gpa’s and test scores? Do the two schools have the same course offerings? Honors courses?</p>

<p>I’m not sure I agree it’s “so much better”. Yes, it’s much more pricey, and smaller. It has a slight bit of higher prestige. I’d say check the facts- why do you feel it’s “so much better”? As an investment in one’s career, it may very well be UD could be considered better if one is paying full-fare for both. Naturally scholarships or grants could affect that.</p>

<p>Just for the record it’s Miami University not University of Miami - makes a difference! :)</p>

<p>ivayhopeful - When did you hear from Miami U? I thought EA decisions would not be out until Feb. 1.</p>

<p>younghoss, what do you mean, “much more pricey”? The tuition is about the same for out of state students.</p>

<p>The public Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, annual tuition is about $11,300 for in state students and $25,300 for out of state students. They offer 100 majors and excellent financial aid for low income students. The Honors program is excellent.
The private (Marianist Catholic) U of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio, annual tuition is about $27,800, just a bit more than Miami University. They offer 70 majors. I have heard that it has a bit more of a “Catholic” feel to it than, say, John Carroll University, the Jesuit college in University Heights, Ohio.</p>

<p>Miami is more well-known but it really depends on what you are looking for. Students interseted in both schools should visit both schools.</p>

<p>UDayton is a Catholic school. Miami of Ohio is a state school, considered a pretty good one. As to which is better, I would say it depends on the kid. I’ve known kids who have done well and enjoyed themselves at each of those schools. Out of state, Miami is pricey. More of a chance for merit money at UD, I would say.</p>

<p>UD is about half the size of Miami. Kids seem to really enjoy the atmosphere on campus, particularly the “neighborhood” of university-owned student housing.
Miami is a beautiful campus literally in the middle of nowhere. Great academics, lots of frats and sororities.</p>

<p>Miami, as a state school, is having some financial issues and making some cutbacks. They do have an honors program and honors housing. Also, Miami is quite preppy which might appeal to some. Miami is near a tiny town while Dayton is a city. I think a visit to each would definitely be in order.</p>

<p>There is a HUGE difference between the campuses and areas around each campus. UD is located just south of downtown Dayton which, after Youngstown, is the second most economically depressed area in Ohio. Once home to NCR and other large manufacturing facilities, the exodus of jobs and workers since the late seventies to early eighties has been staggering.</p>

<p>There is certainly more to do (places to eat, movies, general entertainment) in Dayton, particularly in the southern suburbs which is where all the growth took place than there is in Oxford which pretty much exists for Miami University.</p>

<p>Miami and Oxford are practically one in the same; the town/gown relations are very inter dependent and the campus is one of the prettiest in Ohio with its red brick Georgian architecture and rolling hills. Miami is very preppy, has a big dependence on the Greek scene and for many years has shared the reputation with U Cincinnati as being the top two public schools in Ohio for Ohio residents not wanting to go to the behemoth Ohio State.</p>

<p>I grew up in Ohio and when I lived there and was applying to schools, a graduate of any accredited Ohio HS was guaranteed admission at any state school other than Miami and UC both of which had a more thorough and stringent application process. This may have changed but that was how it was when I graduated from HS. I grew up in NE Ohio, and worked in Dayton prior to being transferred to Texas in 1980. My wife and I still have all our family there (Ohio) so we are back to visit often.</p>

<p>If you already haven’t visited, you really need to do so because they are VERY different places.</p>

<p>You could easily do it in two days without any rush and would have the time to do an in depth look at each location since they are geographically very close.</p>

<p>You can fly into Dayton which is served by most major airlines, though Columbus and Cincinnati are both a little over an hour away. Dayton would be more convenient but you might find more flight options and better prices flying into one of the other cities and renting a car.</p>

<p>Wait, they are totally different schools. Miami is a large public school with tons of Merit scholarship opportunities. In-sate kids in Honors might end up paying close to nothing. Dayton is very expensive private catholic school, I do not know much about it. There is a requirement to take religion, I believe.</p>

<p>Miami, Dayton isn’t really that expensive as far as privates go. Many on the coasts are more than $10,000 more a year.
There is a core curriculum at Dayton, I think, just as there are at many catholic universities. This usually includes theology and philosophy, but they are not designed to be only for Catholics.</p>

<p>also i am in honors at both colleges</p>

<p>also i will be paying about 7.5k a yr for miami and 14k a yr for dayton</p>

<p>Look at both schools and see for yourself if $6.5K more per year is worth it for you to go to Dayton. Also, talk to admissions and let them know if the money is the tipping point for you. They just might come up with some merit money if commit to going to Dayton, costs being equal.</p>

<p>I’ll PM you.</p>

<p>D and I visited both schools last summer. She liked both for different reasons. </p>

<p>The Miami campus was more attractive, and she liked the school. She did get more of a preppy vibe though when we ate lunch at a local restaurant. The “remoteness” of Miami was a bit of an issue for her. </p>

<p>She loved Dayton’s emphasis on connecting with the community at large and on service. She really liked the idea of staying on campus, but in an apartment owned by the university. The downside was the city of Dayton itself. We were a bit disappointed in the downtown area. It seemed very quiet in the evening. </p>

<p>For a variety of reasons she didn’t apply to either school. I didn’t really care that she didn’t apply to Miami, but I was a bit disappointed she didn’t complete her Dayton app.</p>


<p>Thanks for questioning me on the cost comparison. I took a second look. It appears Miami Oxford is 3k more pricey per yr for out of state student, but is 10 to 11k cheaper for in-state.
Sorry I posted about pricing without more careful info.
Miami oxford 27k/41k, UD 38k for all according to collegedata.com</p>

<p>Honors is very good program at Miami. Also, if you continue with very high GPA at Miami, they pile up more Merit $$, you might end up paying much less than you originally thought. You might even get more after you send to them your “Yes” decision. Did you check out “College Suits” off campus for upper classmen? Pretty luxurious accomodations. Can take on-line tour. Again, I do not know anything about Dayton, cannot compare.</p>