Why USC so dirty

<p>Visit Discover USC Sunday for S2; compared to UCI and UCLA, this campus is very dirty. Trash everywhere and tables around dining halls just filthy and sticky. Gum everywhere, it is a private school, surely they have money to clean it up. I have read rave reviewed about this school when search for college for S1 last year which end up in UCLA now. Open house is OK not spectacular which is quite similar to UCLA no difference.</p>

<p>uhhh english please? lol</p>

<p>"Trash everywhere" sound like exageration me.</p>

<p>Hard to believe how obsessed UCLA people are with trying to degrade USC...quite an inferiority complex up there in Westwood.</p>

<p>From what I understood, that is not true at all. The campus is very clean and well maintained.</p>

<p>i have no idea what you're talking about (really)</p>

<p>That's not true at all. I already went there and it was a very clean school. It had a nice atmosphere to it, like you could nap just about anywhere without being bothered. And I think your view is biased. Obviously if you have UCLA in your username, you're going to favor that school.</p>

<p>I'll give you "trash everywhere" after home games... but I was working a tent at Discover - walked around campus quite a bit that day. Beautiful as ever.</p>

<p>Nope, not true. I was just there last week- I am always impressed by the campus. Although I'm biased and so are you. If I went to UCLA to visit, I might be tempted to say the same thing. But I wouldn't go to the UCLA CC website and post it.</p>

<p>ucla011- when you say S2 and S1, I'm assuming you're referring to Son 1 and Son 2?</p>

<p>lol....a parent trash talking about their kids' rival schools...is this pretty common?</p>

<p>You should see the campus the day after home football games. You would never be able to guess that there had been huge tailgating parties the day before.</p>

<p>ucla011, you should really describe the part of the campus you saw because, frankly, I haven't seen anything like what you described during my experience here other than during home football games, and the campus is cleaned immediately after.</p>

<p>I did not see any trash either.</p>

<p>Obviously this is a UCLA parent trash talking USC, oh the pun!</p>

<p>only time i've seen the campus dirty with trash every where is after tail gating during football games.</p>

<p>No trash when I was there for Discover USC and not dirty the other times I have been there either, but hey, if you don't like the atmosphere, don't apply. Different strokes for different folks.</p>

<p>I've always found USC's campus to be immaculate.</p>

<p>Ditto tsdad</p>

<p>I thought the campus was one of the best I've seen, though I've only been to a few. Stanford, Southern Medothist University, Rice, and the University of Dallas. I only liked Stanford's campus above USC's.</p>

<p>lol what a troll. Just look at that username and low post count.</p>