Wheelah, a question: Even tho' you might feel that there is less respect from the male mids than y'all deserve, is it possible that those guys really respect y'all alot more than say, civilian girls that don't attend the academy? Obviously you mids have it all over the civilian girls - don't you feel that the male mids recognize that? (I sincerely hope so!).
<p>Obviously, Wheelah is more qualified to give you a direct answer than I, as she is a female who is actually there right now, but let me give you some insight from the MALE standpoint.</p>
<p>The girls who were most popular at USNA while I was there were not popular because they were smart, or attractive, or athletic, or because they slept around (which they didn't, for the overwhelming part. Those that did were not looked kindly upon. Neither were the males.). </p>
<p>One of the most popular women in my company was an average academic, far from attractive, yet an acomplished athlete. She was universally loved by everyone in the company because she never, EVER, tried to use the fact that she was a women to get any special favors or treatment. She was one of the guys, an equal among peers, ALWAYS.</p>
<p>The best example I remember was the late Saturday night she walked into the wardroom and about a dozen males were watching...... well, let's just say you won't see it on prime time. She walked in, saw what was on, and said simply, "Hey guys, when this is over, give me a shout. I've got (whatever movie it was) with me." She then walked out.</p>
<p>No muss, no fuss, no pontification, nothing.</p>
<p>The guys were so impressed that they stopped the movie, walked down to her room, and asked her to come down and join them with her movie, which she did. End of story.</p>
<p>Now, I'll admit that it's not the finest example, but it gives you an idea. </p>
<p>Be a MIDSHIPMAN, and the others (male and female) will bond to you. Go in there with a chip on your shoulder, and you won't enjoy it. Even other women will push you away because you'll make THEM look bad.</p>
<p>Best of luck, and congratulations on your achievements!</p>