Why Wisconsin?

<p>My D is 90-95% sure she wants to come to UW-Madison. Admitted for engineering and wants to major in chemical engineering. She was wait listed by her first choice-our in-state university. Really does not have an interest in our other in-state schools. She was accepted by other Big Ten schools. Each time we have visited, we have been impressed. Everyone appears to like UW-Madison. I have had others comment to me that they know students who have attended or are attending and they really like it. So before we pay the deposit, why should she pick Wisconsin and is there anything negative that someone has not mentioned to us? The finances are manageable and the cold weather will not bother her since we live in a northern state too.</p>

I live in Wisconsin and have a brother attending Madison for mechanical engineering. “Why Madison,” you ask? It’s a wonderful research university, isn’t too urban, and has a genuine sense of community. It’s unique from other schools. The city is beautiful, located on two lakes. If sports are a pull, then the basketball and football teams are great. She’ll never get bored on campus.
Why not Wisconsin? While she will definitely develop the “badger” identity, within the university, she will most likely become just a number. It’s a huge school. If she wants individual attention and certain professors, she will really have to speak up and fend for herself. Once she reaches upper level courses in her specialty, she shouldn’t have trouble with too large of class sizes.</p>

<p>Hope this helps! </p>