Why wont UCs or CSUs accept this?

In my sophomore year of high school, I took AP Euro which I failed miserably 1st semester and got a grade of D and 2nd I got C. Next year I took APUSH and got B 1st and A 2nd. Now I’m in AP Government for 1st semester and I guess its only a one-semester class and will be taking Economics 2nd semester.

So if I am doing the calculations right:
AP Euro 2nd Semester - C = .5 Years
APUSH - B, A = 1 Year
AP Gov - probably gonna pass so - .5 Years


According to this, wouldn’t I have the 2 years needed for the A requirement in the A-G requirements?

The UC app said I am missing 1 of the A requirements, I don’t know if they want a FULL year of a subject or if a semester counts as half a year, I am clueless…


UC’s do not offer grade validation for History/Social Science classes so your C 2nd Semester does not validate the D from 1st semester so you do not get credit for the full year of AP European History. You need a full year of a World history course.

Here is the requirements:
History/social science (“a”) – Two years, including one year of world history, cultures and historical geography and one year of U.S. history, or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of American government or civics

Thanks for the information! Do you know about the CSUs though?

This is the CSU requirements:

History and Social Science (including 1 year of U.S. history or 1 semester of U.S. history and 1 semester of civics or American government AND 1 year of social science)

Thanks, but would my situation meet those requirements or no?
Because CSU calculated based on “years” when i did the app.

You have 1 year of US History but do you have a Social science? If so, you are good for the Cal states but not the UC’s. Only way you can meet the UC History requirement is take a World History or European course as a Senior, at a community college or take the SAT World History exam with a 540 Or higher score.

The history classes/ social science I have/will take are the following:

  • AP Euro Semester 1= D, Semester 2= C
  • AP US History Semester 1= B, Semester 2= A
  • AP Gov this year 1st semester and Economics Second semester

Would these be enough to fulfill the requirements for the CSU schools?

Yes, you make the requirement since the D in AP Euro would be not be counted. So you have 1 year AP US plus 0.5 for AP Euro and 0.5 for AP Gov and 0.5 for Econ.