Why would a student choose to go to a religious college?

<p>I'm wondering ????</p>

<p>Have you read some threads on this board? Ever notice the occasional thread about sex, drugs, and homosexuality?</p>

<p>Yeah, well some people can't stand these.</p>

<p>I'm quite tolerant but my religious education is only costing me 1,800 a semester.</p>

<p>Why wouldn't they?</p>

<p>The cost is a big difference from other private schools.</p>

<p>They like the lifestyle there better? I wouldn't go to one but I don't have any problem with people choosing to live that way.</p>

<p>What kind of religious schools are you talking about? Princeton was founded as a theological seminary (I think). LaFayette is "Presbyterian," Georgetown not overtly Catholic (Clinton alumnus). Schools like Grove City College, Franciscan U of STeubenville, Brigham Young, Yeshiva, etc. educate their students to be productive members and even defenders of their respective faiths. So, kids get great academics plus grounding and depth in their faiths. </p>

<p>Many of the colleges founded by religious institutions are not overtly religious anymore. </p>

<p>I think a lot of religious parents send their children to religious colleges for the reasons set forth in post #2 (sex, drugs, homosexuality), but subconsciously, I think many do so hoping their child will marry within the faith. </p>

<p>Seems to me this is as good a reason as football team and local bar scene.</p>

<p>I think mainly, students want to be in an environment that supports their moral growth (a higher % of their peers will abstain from sex and not drink, for example) and spiritual growth (a higher % of peers and professors will attend weekly mass and feel comfortable engaging in spiritual discussion, and classes strive to examine issues in the context of faith and theology) while growing academically as well.</p>

<p>I think it is a good choice for some people, but not my cup of tea!</p>

<p>I love going to a religious college! I go to Brigham Young University, and it fits me so much better than most other colleges would. Hardly anybody here drinks or smokes and just about everyone abstains from sex until after marriage. Since that is how I am, it's easier to make friends here who have the same interests as me. Also, it's nice to be able to go to church on Sunday with a ton of people my own age. Basically, the social atmosphere is what draws me here.</p>

<p>im not religious at all, but i went to a jesuit high school and im going to a jesuit college. i really like the jesuit attitude and style of teaching. i like the emphasis on social justice and doing things for the great good (the good of everyone). and i really like the fact that we are taught to be well rounded and productive members of society.</p>

<p>Brigham Young rocks! The tuition is very low even for non-LDS members.And it's a nice school.
Focuses on the education,not its religious affiliation.</p>

<p>I don't know. People do lots of silly things.</p>

I don't know. People do lots of silly things.


Does going to church count?</p>

<p>As a silly thing? Yeah of course.</p>

<p>they want to be around other people with the same lifestyle as them. definitely not my thing, but as long as it's not completely insane like Bob Jones or Pensacola Christian, then I say do what you want. My cousins go to a Nazarene school in Tennessee because they are Nazarene and have always been very active in their church. It's for a certain type of person and I definitely wouldn't fit in at one (being agnostic and all).</p>

<p>im agnostic too. and i go to a religious school. i fit in totally fine. there are tooons of non-religious people.</p>

<p>im also incredibly liberal and i fit in very well in that respect too. probably the majority is liberal.</p>

<p>One of the craziest parties I've ever attended was at a Northern CA Catholic school, so I'm not too sure about religious schools having less sex, drugs, or alcohol.</p>

<p>I've gone to Catholic school my whole life. It isn't bad. We're the same as you. We party, drink, smoke, etc. But I do not plan on going to private college.</p>

<p>lol. I'm actually catholic, just don't goto a Catholic School.
But yes, we do party hardy.</p>

<p>edit: wouldn't let me quote.</p>