<p>I got this big envelope with a Cornell brochure and request to apply... and I don't understand why. Seriously, I'm reading this website and it's ridiculous all the perfect scores I'm seeing, all this smartness. it's just too much hahah. I'm just wondering, do Ivy league schools just go around sending big expensive looking envelopes to people? :S my GPA isn't all that good, and my SAT scores are way beyond ivy league material...</p>
<p>way below*** </p>
<p>For perspective, see </p>
<p>[Online</a> Extra: How Harvard Gets its Best and Brightest](<a href=“Bloomberg - Are you a robot?”>Bloomberg - Are you a robot?) </p>
<p>All the top colleges have big mailing lists.</p>
<p>They have big mailing lists for people that show promise… which doesn’t describe me</p>
<p>Its so they can get a larger applicant pool and therefore get a lower acceptance rate to seem more competitive and selective.</p>
<p>Mmmmm aha! got it makes sense</p>