Why Would You Go To An Ivy If You Are Only Going For Undergrad?

<p>GAclassof2008: You're a kid. You know little. Don't ask for help debating (he pmed me about to comment about SAT scores) just because you don't understand how to argue (listen to everyone else's opinion on this one, please for your own sake). </p>

<p>"but i still got tons of letters from ivies"</p>

<p>Those are meaningless!</p>

<p>"Where do top companies like Goldman Sachs recruit? Stanford, or East Carolina University?</p>

<p>Case in point.</p>

<p>And that's just one example."</p>

<p>How many companies in the Fortune 500 are named Goldman Sachs? Just one.</p>

<p>Case in point. Investment banking is not everything.</p>

<p>GAclasof2008, as for your comment about Affirmative Action (something along the lines of "I can get in [a top tier school] without having to lift a finger") are offensive to everyone, especially minorities. Not only is this belief arrogant, it is ignorant. As a minority, I find your haughty assertion very offensive. You are acting as if top colleges give all URM's a secret pass that opens the gates to their colleges without reference to GPA, standardized test scores, EC's, and other parts of the application process; this of course is untrue. This belief makes the controversial practice of AA even more controversial. Non-minorities who fell cheated by AA , will begin to believe that all URM's agree with AA bc it aids them in gaining admittance to top universities; this is also not true. Please stop posting messages filled with lies, ignorance and belligerence.</p>

<p>Honestly, I feel that people that get accepted into these ivy-leagues obviously have a natural gift of being smart and learning how to pick up things quickly when it comes to the world of academics! I feel that people that choose to enroll in these institutions are using their talents and not wasting it! Going to an ivy-league is a great opportunity to use your talents and meet students that are just as intelligent as you are. With my drive, and my ambition I wish I can have the natural talent of being that smart but sadly I have to work a bit harder to get the best grades in my class! In the end, I admire these students for taking this once in a life time opportunity and hopefully they'll soak up all these opportunities that these intuitions have to offer to them!</p>

<p>what do u think of the people who dont have grades well enough for harvard,yale,penn,princeton,darthmouth,columbia,cornell or any other top school. What if they struggled w/ ADHD all of their hs. Yeah, im in no ways stupid, hell im the opposite, i can go thru 5 pages of a packet of math and kids would still be stuck on the first page after 5 minutes and yes i can do a page a minute...but my english grades b/c of bad reading comprehension is only good ive got a pretty good average in english though
strangely enough i was doing horrible 8th and 9th grade in math doing great in 8th grade english and only ok 9th grade english...
im proud to say that ive gotten through a lot but there is no way in hell im going to a ivy league i wish..but no...ive used my strengths..to map out my future even during my bad freshman year history was my best and favorite subject w/ a B+ average math now is just easy i just love history i want to teach hs history..</p>

<p>I can see how English wasn't your forte...</p>

<p>Very awesome, jsut remember history needs to be taught with passion for it to come alive for the students.</p>

"Where do top companies like Goldman Sachs recruit? Stanford, or East Carolina University?</p>

<p>Case in point.</p>

<p>And that's just one example."</p>

<p>How many companies in the Fortune 500 are named Goldman Sachs? Just one.</p>

<p>Case in point. Investment banking is not everything.


<p>I know it isn't. that's why I said this is one example. Don't try and pretend having a degree from an Ivy or a top school isn't beneficial toward getting a great highly specialized job. (For instance, Cornell for engineering)</p>

<p>For fields such as elementary and secondary education, I agree the name of the school becomes significantly less important.</p>