<p>Yes, I do live on a ranch in the middle of Nebraska. Yes, we have electricity and the internet. :)</p>
<p>User Name: JustMae
Gender: F
Location: Nebraska
College Class Year: 2015
High School: Public
High School Type: A TINY K-12 school in a town of 300 people, Nebraska. Rarely sends grads to top schools.
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 4.00
GPA - Weighted: 0.00
Class Rank: 1
Class Size: 19</p>
<p>ACT: 33 (Twice) (36 English, 33 Math, 34 Reading, 27 Science) (35 English, 30 Math, 34 Reading, 33 Science)</p>
<p>Volleyball- JV (2007, 2008, 2009)
JV Basketball (2007-2008)
Band (marching and concert) (07-08, 08-09, 09-10)
One-Act (2007, 2008, 2009)
Speech (2008, 2009, 2010)
Letterman's club (08-09, 09-10)
Track (2008, 2009)
Yearbook Staff (2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010)</p>
<p>Leadership positions: </p>
<p>FCCLA State Officer (10-11)
FCCLA-Chapter Officer (09-10) Chapter President (10-11)
FCCLA-District President (10-11)</p>
<p>Letter Club-Secretary (09-10)
Journalism-Co-editor (2008-2009)
Quiz Bowl-Co-captain (2009) Captain for state-qualifying team (2010)
Volunteer/Service Work: AWANA preschool teacher- 1 1/2 hours/week, September-April; 2008-2009, 2009-2010</p>
<p>Vacation Bible School Helper, about 16 hours each; 2007, 2008, 2009</p>
<p>Various FCCLA service projects, 25 hours</p>
<p>Honors and Awards: Freshman Year:</p>
<p>FCCLA STAR (speech competition) District Gold, State Qualifier; Silver medal at State
Math Contest 3rd Place Algebra I
Scholastic Contest 3rd Place Vocabulary
Scholastic Contest 1st Place Vocabulary
State 4-H Horse Show, Runner-Up Hippology Team</p>
<p>Sophomore Year:
FCCLA STAR District Gold/Champs, State Gold/Champs, National Gold/Top 10
Academic All-State Journalism, One-Act</p>
<p>Junior Year:</p>
<p>Scholastic Contest 1st Place Health, 2nd place English
Conference Principal's Academic Team
Conference Superintendent's Academic Team
Academic All State in Journalism and One-Act</p>
<p>Lots of other various school awards I don't feel like listing. :)</p>
<p>Also, my high school doesn't offer AP/IB classes, but I take the most challenging available, including dual-credit courses through the local community college.</p>
<p>Schools list: RICE University! Buut also: Washington University in St. Louis, University of Chicago, Stanford, Yale (hey, might as well get chanced! :P).</p>
<p>I'm hoping to double major in Physics and English, and I'm a white girl. Thanks so much!</p>