
<p>I'd like to know why are my posts at the MIT board being deleted?????????</p>

<p>CC's database crashed. Apparently the last "good" backup was 1/18. Although I will say that my cynical self had noticed a lot of really stupid posts by some of the regular parents on the board (and the subsequent crap they were taking) which might, just might have something to do with this....</p>

<p>Yeah, nothing personal, martinibluex, the entire board was essentially rolled back to 1/18. POOF! All gone.</p>

<p>eng dude, the mods can easily delete specific posts or threads. I highly doubt they would delete 3 days of posts to get rid of a few posts.</p>

<p>yeah, I hear ya. Just odd that there were a signifcant number of locked/closed threads and lots of really, really idiotic responses where some posters just got hammered before this all happened! I'm sure it was just coincendental, I just like to overly dramatize these things.</p>

<p>I hear that the souls of the people who's posts were deleted are forever trapped in the mainframe of CC............</p>