Wifi signal?

<p>Just wondering if anyone ever had wifi problems in their child’s particular dorm room? I know ethernet in general is better than wifi, and that’s what DD will use for her computer but it’s her phone and ipad that are the issue. She is in RCS and is at the very end of the hall and is in a D room so the last room on the floor. The wifi works in her roommates rooms and the kitchen and living room, but drops to 1 bar close to her room and drops completely when she is on her bed. So she can’t use her phone on wifi in her room at all, it constantly loses signal and goes back to cellular data. Is there any fix for this? I know it says we can’t use our own routers. She called IT and they said she is out of luck and to deal with it. There has to be a solution! Is a wifi repeater the same as using our own router/</p>

<p>No advice here - my D had a strong wifi signal in her room. However, If IT told me I was out of luck and to deal with it, I might deal with it by getting an illicit router. Really, I wouldn’t find it acceptable in this day and age to not have wifi available in her dorm room.</p>

<p>I told her that maybe just the particular IT person she talked to didn’t know how to deal with that and to keep calling back until she found someone who did. Really, she can’t be the first person to ever have this problem right?</p>

<p>I had a similar problem when I lived in Ridgcrest. My room was on the corner and none of my roommates could get wifi in their rooms. Our problem was that there was no router out in the hall way near our door. The nearest one was around the corner. You could see on the ceiling where one used to be but it wasn’t there anymore. After calling IT many times we finally got a router put into our actual living room but by then it was almost thanksgiving break. I would say you should just keep calling IT and check in the hall to see where the nearest router is. </p>