Wii party!!M

<p>My brother got one for his birthday... at first I tried to rolled my eyes and mutter to myself about materialism and corporate America and the like... but the next thing that I knew, I was designing one of those people and playing Tennis-- which, by the way, I OWN at =)</p>

<p>I haven't played any of the other games (other than the sports) but I'd imagine the remote would be difficult to use...</p>

<p>I never paid much attention to anything concerning Trauma Center but now that I know what it is, I have to go get it, hahaha</p>

<p>My mom just bought Wario Ware and Happy Feet (which has this lame little DDR-esque segment) and I saw Wii Play just sitting around at Circuit City yesterday (even though everywhere else is totally sold out!) so I'm going to go pick that up..</p>

<p>And maybe Trauma Center too (:</p>