Wil they contact me if they are missing something?

<p>*Will they contact me if they are missing something.</p>

<p>My status has been stuck on "We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary to make a decision. Check back here for updates on your application status." For almost four weeks now. I know they are really behind and I am not expecting a decision for months, but should I call to make sure they aren't missing anything or will they contact me if they are?</p>

<p>When you log in to the Student Center, in the admissions box, do you see a link that says "Status Details"? If you don't that means they have everything they need. If you do, remember that it could take up to five weeks for them to update the system for snail mail materials (transcripts).</p>

<p>They did send me a letter saying they hadn't received my transcripts when they had, so I would expect a letter saying that they haven't received them regardless.</p>

<p>If the Student Center in Application Status Checks says you're missing something then yes, I think you should call since its well past February 1st.</p>

<p>And if you haven't already, this link is pretty useful.</p>

<p>Undergraduate</a> Admissions at UW-Madison: Application processing time line update</p>

<p>Thank you! It is now being reviewed by one of the counselors so I assume they have everything in.</p>