<p>If I have to withdrawl from one of my classes this semester, which I think I will after this exam so I don't fail the class, will it look bad on my transcript and to employers? I'll still be a full-time student...and it will be my first "dropped" class. I have a 3.33 GPA, not great, but eh..</p>
<p>Do all employers look at transcripts, anyways? And, will that "W" look bad to a graduate school so I can get my MBA (B.S. will be in Accounting). </p>
<p>I don't want one horrible class choice to ruin my chances and make me look back to employers and the graduate school I plan on attending (Indiana University's Grad Progam). </p>
<p>I know an F will look bad, but a "W" almost looks like you gave up, and I don't want them to think that. I already have enough issues with my schooling taking so long and lack of any work experience as it is; I don't want to have to worry about 1 withdrawl being a big deal.</p>
<p>What are your thoughts?</p>
<p>69 credit hours completed so far:</p>
<p>16 credit hours this semester...so withdrawling from this class will make it 13 credit hours.</p>
<p>3.33 GPA so far, and 3.5 "major" GPA. Science classes hurt me (I got C's in Chemistry, Oceanography, and 1 other one).</p>
<p>Is it a horrible idea for me to withdrawl if I know I'm going to get an F... what would the future consequences be to the grad school/employers when they see a "w" on the transcript?</p>