Will a C in AP Calc BC hurt my chances at engineering?

I think the point is - in order to create a fair list, you need to know where you stand on a 4 point scale.

It’s for planning, so you can develop a balanced and complete list. The school profiles and CDS list on a 4 point scale.

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CA publics don’t use the common app.

Yes, follow the instructions. The instructions for the common app say to list as it appears in the transcript. Other applications may have different instructions. Regardless if the application, the college may (or may not) recalculate on their own, but that need not concern the applicant.

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That’s a great list. What is your current GPA unweighted (if you know it) and highest math and physics /science you will have in senior year. I can come back later to comment.

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Most colleges will also have math placement exams, as well. Your advisors or dept staff at the college will assist you at that point.


Is your school a regular school or all honors plus Aps?

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OK. Out of city traffic… Lol.

Your doing great and a fantastic student. Keep that up. What colleges hate is senioritis. They still want to see you challenging yourself with rigor and doing well. Their view is that NOW your getting ready for college. Don’t worry about the C. But find out the “why”. What aren’t you getting /understanding? No one expects perfection and guess what. BC is some hard stuff.

I would like to know what specific Aps you actually took and what your senior schedule looks like.

You will get half to full scholarship to Rose. But please visit. It’s a great school but close to 80/20 men /women but the women tend to be close knit per se. Very hard school and engineering 24/7. The women I know that went there loved it but it’s a far cry from Michigan /Purdue size wise.

Iowa State is in the bag with money. Apply as soon as the app comes out and you will be accepted soon after. It has one of the largest engineering days out there. Many kids have 2/3 offers by senior year.

If applying to Michigan also apply to Michigan State honors. That is a half scholarship (instate tuition) plus mentoring, research and $5,000 for study abroad. Not as high ranked as some of your choices but a great approach to engineering and similar outcomes to the other schools on your list.

You are competitive to schools like Purdue, Michigan, Illinois but being out of state it’s also hard. For Michigan (which I am on that thread) you need a good story. What makes you stand out from the pack?Just think about it. Need help then PM me when your ready to do the essay.

Knowing your unweighted is important so we can all speak the same language to you. My son’s unweighted since he went to an all honors school plus his Aps would make your unweighted look low, which it’s not so, we can all speak the same way to you then converting it helps. A=4, B =3 and so one with no plus or minuses. I agree with the above around a 3.89.

Any of the schools on your list would be honored to have you.

Also as stated ya gotta be able to afford all 4 years in college.

Also, what do you want your 4 years to look like. Michigan’s campus is very different then RPI etc. Visit as many different size campuses as you can. Even in your own state just to get an idea. Also your instate school might be the more affordable choice but not always.

Also, maybe I missed it but what kind of engineering are you interested in?

Make an excel spread sheet and make a comparison to all your schools you currently listed. Everything from costs of room /board to dates of EA vs RD dates and what scholarships are available etc. It just makes it easier when comparing schools. Put it on a Google doc to share with your parents etc. Getting organized now makes the process later much smoother. Add links to future references like clubs, schools Facebook groups, financial aid, essay needed, etc.

You will quickly see even with 10-15 applications that there might be 2-3 dates when everything is due. This will help you plan.

Apply to Rose, Iowa State and Michigan State as soon as their apps come out. The rest by their due dates at the latest…but always EA.

If questions just ask.


You have excellent engineering options in Virginia. You could concentrate on them and add some of the OOS schools that might give you merit aid. Or privates that might give merit or need based aid. As others have said, figure out your budget. Good luck.

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A regular school, but has a lot of honors/AP options. Does that answer your question?

To answer your question:

Took AP computer science A freshman year, AP Physics 1 and AP World History sophomore year. This year (junior) was AP Capstone Seminar, BC Calc, US History, Physics C Mechanics and E&M, Lang.

Next year I’m taking multi variable Calc, AP capstone research, AP chem, JROTC (fourth year), AP comp gov, AP Lit, computer systems (a cs class at my school)

I’m mainly looking at aerospace engineering right now.

I’ve started making a basic spreadsheet, but I’ll be sure to include the info you mentioned, and do more research on those schools. Thanks for all the advice/tips- I really appreciate it! I’m planning on starting my common app as soon as summer starts so I have time, so I will likely pm you then if that’s ok.

Thanks again!

FYI, the common app resets August 1. This year, it did keep the demographic information, but no college specific information I think. Just be aware before you put too much work into filling things out there.

I’ll let others chime in but if BC was too much and frankly most never touch even BC in HS so you are way ahead….I’m wondering if you should do stats and skip higher levels of calc, especially with the grade you got.

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That looks great. Almost looks like my son’s senior schedule but that is when he took 6 Aps and multivariate Calc.

Get help with the Calc. He found it easier then BC but it’s all hard… Lol.

Your rigor is definitely there. Seminar /research was one of my son’s most favorite and useful classes that actually translated well to college BTW.

Aceing out senior year is key here and hard to do for schools like Michigan.

Again, just find out the why of the Calc class and work on fixing that before the fall. Many online sites to use also.

Your college choices are nicely spread out. I think your going to do great actually.

Many actually find MVC Calc easier due to being more geometry based. But yes, having a good foundation is key. No reason she can’t get teacher help early and maybe do some Kahn for review this summer Multivariable Calculus | Khan Academy

The reach schools AO will wonder why she stopped taking sequence math at her school. She doesn’t have to get an A. Even a B is great and she’s challenging herself with Rigor. Of course getting an A is better but not the end of the world. Yes, she’s way ahead of the game math wise but why take the easy way out. The reaches want to see her challenge herself. Her Sat proves she can. I would love to see that over 1500 but she’s close enough. The colleges want to see that push. As you states many don’t take MVC in high school. That’s the point and how to separate yourself but I will tell you at Michigan most of my son’s engineering friends this was more the norm.

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I definitely plan to review for MVC and review Calc bc concepts over the summer and prob before college too.

For context, I’m in northern VA, so while taking MVC and BC Calc is still ahead, it is more common in this area.

Knowsstuff, I loved Seminar this year and I’m really excited for research next year! Good to hear it helps for college too; I honestly took it because I thought I would enjoy it, any other benefits are great too lol

I agree with your perspective. Im planning to take SAT one more time for final push to get 1500+. I know I can improve my English and maybe math too, so that will hopefully help

Ok, thanks for the insight. I didn’t know it would reset.

I started filling out some basic demographics info but I won’t continue until August 1, or just work on a separate doc for essays to continue later.

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So seminar was because his scores on English were low compared to math but this is very typical of engineering students. So he worked to improve the math and corrected but basic things with English and pushed his Act up. Ended with a 34 where I think you are at with conversation which is a great score. He loved it and led him to run a self started student org on campus which was from his research paper in High school but college English was very easy for him.

Yes, Virginia is very competitive and you, as you know have great Universities that I assume you are applying to also but as you stated are competitive. Your going to be fine.

Don’t forget - it’s budget b4 Michigan etc.

I would talk to my calc teacher b4 moving on. Do they recommend it ?

Also research the difference in Mechanical engineering vs Aero since many Aero engineers come from the mechanical engineering world.

Reach out this summer to colleges and talk /email with professors about this. Research clubs/activities/mission statements, that excite you. All of this can be used later in your essay but it’s the knowledge gained that’s important to make a decision. Also applying through mechanical can be easier at some schools. But see what makes sense to you.

Most schools that I know of won’t let a kid advance if they don’t feel their ready for it. You don’t need to get all As Bs to be successful in life. I am living proof :joy:

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