Will a "c" keep me out of a uc?

I’m almost done with the first semester of my junior year and it’s very likely that I will get a C+ in my AP Calculus AB class. On top of that, I’m currently enrolled in APUSH, 2 honors classes, and a regular language class, all pretty much going to end in A’s. I took AP Euro my sophomore year as an added AP course. I also have been on student council for 2 years, am currently in 2 varsity sports since freshmen year (where one sport I qualified for regionals), and an officer of 3 other clubs. WILL MY UPCOMING “C” KEEP ME OUT OF SCHOOLS SUCH AS UCLA, UCI, OR UCSD??? PLS HELP THIS IS VERY STRESSFUL GAAAH

One C will not get you rejected from a UC but it can impact your UC GPA since they only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation. Also it will depend upon how you are doing in all your other classes? GPA is very important to the UC’s, but competitive test scores, unique/dedicated EC’s and outstanding/interesting essays will all contribute to your chances. The best thing you can do now is talk with your teacher to see if you can get that grade up and focus on doing better. At the end of Junior year, then calculate your UC GPA and hopefully you have some test scores to gauge your chances.
