Will a ‘C’ on my transcript ruin my chance to transfer?

I just finished my last semester of community college today. Unfortunately, due to some issues in my personal life, I ended up with a ‘C’ (78%) in elementary statistics. Besides that C, My transcript has 13 A’s and 2 B’s with an updated GPA of 3.73 (thanks to the C smh). I am honestly distraught over the C and I feel like I ruined my entire life. I am not sure if any schools will accept me as a transfer now. I have applied to all UC’s and All CSU’s. Additionally, I am applying to private schools such as Pepperdine, Loyola Marymount, USC… etc. What schools if any will admit someone with my circumstances? Has anyone had a similar situation to mine as a transfer? What school did you end up going to? Thank you all.

Transfers by major | University of California can help with chances for UCs.

A 3.73 GPA looks likely for most majors at UCSC, UCR, UCM, and within range for some majors at most other UC campuses.

Many CSUs will also admit an applicant with a 3.73 GPA.

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I didn’t catch your major - that has a huge impact on your odds for competitive schools.

Assuming you took all of the required classes, a 3.73 will make you competitive FOR MOST MAORS at most of the UCs and CSUs. - UCB, UCLA and CPSLO are probably a coin toss. The rest will almost certainly admit you. Did you really apply to all (9+23) of them? that’s a lot of time and money…
I imagine LMU and Pep will admit you but, won’t offer much aid. I am not sure about USC.

Not sure why you didn’t use TAG - that way you’d have at least one .

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What is your intended major?

My major is Communication/comm studies. I didn’t do TAG because I wasn’t aware of the program, I wish I did it honestly. Yes I actually did apply to all. I got few waivers for most and the rest I paid for out of pocket. Thanks for your insight, definitely helpful.

It’s Communication/comm studies

Thank you! Very helpful.