Will A&M rescind me if I fail?

Chief Pablo here.

Last semester I did really well and earned an A in my AP Computer Science class. However, now I am doing horrendous to be blunt. I don’t need this class to graduate so my high school diploma is not at stake here but I’m failing. If I fail the semester, but pass the year will A&M still rescind me? Also, I was admitted into their engineering school (planning on mechanical engineering, definitely not cs) so I know it will look really bad, but will they actually rescind me? Any help is appreciated.

I have no idea what A&M will think, and specifically the College of Engineering, but if you don’t need this credit to graduate, why didn’t you just drop the class this semester? I assume it is too late to drop it now? Perhaps FAQ’s are listed on Engineering website? Or maybe your high school counselor can answer?

@Chief134 If it is not a class you need to graduate, you will not be rescinded from A&M for the failed semester. My son’s best friend failed the spring semester of an elective but passed the year and was not rescinded from moving forward as a general engineering student that fall.