Will applying ED affect financial aid?

<p>I'm set to apply to Virginia Tech early decision. If they see that I am so eager to go there, will this hurt my chances of receiving merit aid? I'm extremely qualified for admittance into even their honor program (3.9 uw GPA, 2090 SAT, 1430 Math+CR)</p>

<p>You will find thread after thread here that says that if $ is a consideration, do NOT apply ED. What ED means is that you can not compare financial aid offers and then negotiate with your favored school.</p>

<p>Why should a school give you the best merit aid when they know that if you applied ED, you have to go to them? Think about it. If you are so qualified, you don't need the ED tip.</p>

<p>I agree with Northstarmom, as mentioned in many posts, colleges use their financial aid to leverage students in. If you are already in, there is no reason for them to give you the best package.</p>