Will average classes stop me from going to a good college?

<p>Im a freshman in HS and im in all average academic classes. Next year I will take some honors classes,junior year ill take all honors classes and senior AP classes. I wanted to know if I will still be competitive if I get good grades. Or should I advance in math during the summer or something. If it helps I want to go to NYU or Johns Hopkins. </p>


<p>What level math are you at now? Are you at a lower level than is offered or most people are in? </p>

<p>My daughter only started Algebra in 9th grade, so she took Geometry and Hon. Alg II in 10th. Summer would have been better but it wasn’t allowed. Then Hon.precalc, as Jr and AP Calc BC as Sr. So that is one way to get more advanced in math. </p>

<p>Your school guidance counselor will have info about what students who get accepted from your school usually have. You might pick an area you are good at to be more advanced in. It sounds like your plan is pretty good, though.</p>

<p>Some schools just don’t offer many options for more advanced classes and make you take what they offer lockstep. But sometimes you can read between the lines and find cracks in their armor - my D was the first to figure out that at her school, although AP Micro is listed as only a junior and senior class, the prereqs made it possible to take it sophomore year, avoid the state mandated finance class, and slip an extra AP in before junior year. It took some talking to the right people to get the GCs to allow it through, but she got to take it, and got an A. It’s now an increasingly popular option among sophomores.</p>

<p>On the other hand, some schools are so bureaucratic, that you might be doomed to the preset schedule. And yes, despite the fact that that is all your school offers, and despite the fact that they claim it won’t hurt you, it does in fact make it more difficult to compete against students who don’t have those restrictions.</p>