Will class changes affect my admission?

I put in my UC application that I was going to take writers workshop. However, it was only offered in first period and had to take pre-calculus, which was also only offered in first period.
Then, I was placed in communications 101 to fill my second period, but I had to withdraw because I was failing it because of my untreated social anxiety. I was then placed in an engineering course. Will these changes affect my college acceptance?

Speak to your guidance counselor. But I think-- and I’m not sure-- that you may want to let the schools know.

The bigger question is when that social anxiety will be treated. It doesn’t get better on its own, and far better to start to tackle it while you’re in high school, still living at home. Speak to someone today-- either mom and dad or your guidance counselor.

If you are a senior then, yes, you need to notify all colleges to which you have applied or accepted. If you don’t get their approval then your acceptance will definitely be reviewed and could be rescinded, especially if it is a competitive college with a long waitlist.

Talk to your admissions representative.

Imho. Going from a writers workshop to precalc and communications 101 to engineering doesn’t sound like an issue. It actually sounds like an increase in rigor. Don’t let this trigger your anxiety. Get the answer from the only people that matter, your UC admissions officer. The advice you will receive on this thread, including my own, is complete speculation.

Don’t bury your head in the sand. Find out and move forward.

Also make sure you talk to someone who can make a referral for you to talk with a counselor for the anxiety. You aren’t alone and there are people trained to help you.

Agree, talk to counselor. Most important, if you are a senior who has already applied, is informing the colleges of the change because it is often the failure to inform colleges of changes that can be the cause of reconsideration of admission rather than the actual changes. UC’s require you to report any changes to your senior year schedule: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/how-to-apply/after-you-apply/index.html

they might… as others indicate, you need to talk to someone at your target UC - and the sooner the better.

Good luck.