Will colleges rescind acceptance for a failed class?

My Senior is taking an online AP comp sci course that will not count in his gpa but will show on his transcript. If he fails the course, is it likely colleges will rescind his acceptance? He has a 4.4 gpa.

Could. I would get in front of this ASAP. Perhaps the most direct route is getting him to pass the class.

If it’s a class that he listed as taking in his app and part of transcript it’s an issue to be discussed. Don’t wait.

He needs to change up what he is doing. Get a tutor. Tlak to the teacher more. etc


Unfortunately that is not an option as the class ends in the near term. Will they really pull his acceptance for one bad grade when he has all A’s otherwise and a high gpa?

Is this course required for graduation? Depending on the college he may end up enrolling but on academic probation. Other colleges may not care as long as he graduates on time…

It is not. He will have more credits than required to graduate. It is not even a course that will be in his major (mechanical engineering).

Your student has to get out in front of this by talking with their AO…you can’t let the college find out about this for the first time when they receive the final transcript. Depending on the college, one D or F can result in rescinding the acceptance.

I would also have your student speak with their GC before they speak with the AO. Perhaps taking a W would be an option?

Good luck.

DD is in AP Computer Science, and loves it, but I think she would have also had a hard time had she done it online. Can he make an offer to his college to repeat it over the summer? I would take this up with his college as an urgent and serious matter.