Will employers take my HBCU seriously?

So I’m still narrowing down my choices of schools. Spelman College is absolutely wonderful and ranked pretty well too, however someone close to me told me that I should go with one of my other choices because people may not take the school seriously.
So many people on here said that Spelman is my best option to get into a T14 law schools. I love law and seriously want to go to law school, but if somehow it doesn’t work out will employers take me seriously with just my Spelman undergrad?

Spelman is a great school. You will have no problem finding employment with a Spelman degree. Work hard and keep your grades up, get involved on campus.

If the law schools respect Spelman, why wouldn’t those in other fields? Yes, it’s an HBCU - which means it will be more well known among a certain segment of the population. But that it true of most schools. Sure, if you get into Harvard or Yale, everyone will be familiar with your school. If you go to Alabama or Auburn, they will known your school, but outside of the southeast, they might not be familiar with the academics there, or might assume they are similar to every other big state school.

Spelman is a great school, and your study there will absolutely be taken seriously.

I know nothing about Spelman, but I advise my kids that school rankings have little to do with success. High caliber students succeed no matter where they go. So, if you think highly of Spelman and it is a good fit, great!

Another way to look at it is, do you really want to do something you don’t want to do just to impress someone who would discount a Spelman degree?

For any college, I would look if grads are getting jobs.
Look at the “First Destination Survey” and see what % students are employed right after college.


“…but if somehow it doesn’t work out will employers take me seriously with just my Spelman undergrad?”

Gracious. Please go find out what Spelman grads are all about, what they do, who they are.

As someone buried in the women’s college search, Spelman sounds like a wonderful, strong school. I read a line in a college admissions book comparing it to Wellesley in terms of quality.