Will failing my IB diploma affect my admission to U.S universities?

Hi guys, I am currently doing IB diploma in Dubai. I am taking my IB final exams on next week. I am really worry that I will fail my diploma right now. I already made my deposit to Northeastern University. Will they rescind my offer if I don’t pass the IB??

I am only doing IB diploma and the transcript I sent to the universities were using my IB scores from my previous internal tests. I learnt from some thread that if you are doing IB diploma in United States (since for most of the schools, IB is optional) and still get a good GPA, it will be fine. However, I did not take any other course besides IB courses so my GPA depends on my performance on my ib exams…

So… If I screw up my final IB exams and do not award a diploma, will it jeopardize my admission ?? Thank you for reading:) I really need some help here!!

@Skylar299 Hi there! I just wanted to ask: do your grades in your courses depend on how well you do on your IB tests? Because typically colleges in the United States are more concerned with your GPA rather than how you do on the IB tests. The IB tests are just a way for you to earn college credit towards your degree and to possibly eliminate some of the general ed courses you might have to take in your freshman year. If your grade in your class does not depend on how well you do on your IB tests, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. However, I would call Northeastern and ask them about their policies for international students regarding GPA and IB scores and whether or not your IB scores will affect your admission to the school.

Hope this helped! :slight_smile:

@Lost4Words Hi, thank you for replying. Yes, my grades on my transcripts depend on my IB courses (exams, IAs).
Because we are a pure IB school.

From what I know, most US colleges don’t care about AP exams or IB scores at all in your app. They’re mainly used for class placement, college credit for graduating sooner and getting certain entry-level classes out of the way. Your gpa, however, might warrant a sternly-worded letter or even a rescinded admission in extreme cases if it takes a big enough dip in your 2nd semester. How much do you expect your grades to go down? Since your gpa depends on your IB exams, failing your IB exams could lead to a large dip in gpa which is the factor that most US colleges place the most emphasis on.

On the other hand, the UK and some other non-US college systems favor these sort of scores above a lot of things. I know the British system seems to go off of test scores more than they do GPA, although I think they have a different school curriculum anyway.

@physicspsychic I afraid that I would fail my IB because of my CAS and math. I would ask the admission office. I hope they won’t rescind my offer if I fail.

Thank you for your help:)

@Skylar299 I hope everything works out! Just try to score as high on your Math exam as possible! Are you taking Methods or Studies?

@Lost4Words Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, I took Math HL.

@Skylar299 Oof, that’s a tough one. Good luck, hope you do well! :slight_smile:

I got to an IB school in the Gulf too. I’ve got some good news. Someone in my school last year failed IB and still ended up going to Northeastern. So there’s hope!

If your school is an IB school without another regconized curriculum, not getting the IB Diploma is a serious issue. How do you graduate from HS by not getting some kind of Diploma signifying you pass the minimum requirement? Colleges request submission of your final IB score to them in July when the results are out. I am not so optimistic as those other posters here.

If the ib diploma is your high school graduation, and you failbthe diploma and don’t graduate, you won’t be allowed to attend the college that admitted you.
If you get a low score, because us universities come without conditions unlike UK universities, you’re still in as long as you graduate.

what happened? did northeastern rescind your acceptance or are you currently enrolled? would love to know I am currently an ib student

Colleges never know if you get your diploma or not. Diploma results aren’t until June or July and some students have even already enrolled in summer classes by that time. You’ll be fine if you don’t pass your exams so long as you keep your class grades up.

It shouldn’t affect that. What matters is how you did in the curriculum; the test scores don’t come out until early summer. You’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

Isnt there a rule that you need to have final grades from each subject no less than a 4 for northeastern? Im terrified about this because I dont think Ill get a 4 on math HL finals…

My dad said he read this on some website but i havent found anything about it