<p>If you fill out the FAFSA with the "will file" status, but need to make no other changes, is it necessary to go back in and correct it to "already completed"?</p>
<p>I would think so. I filed my taxes and my son’s taxes and then made a few minor changes to the fafsa and changed the status.</p>
<p>I"M ALL DONE FOR THIS YEAR!!! (hopefully will have refunds by next week - in time to put down housing deposit for next fall)</p>
<p>Congratulations, sueinphilly! I went on a marathon bender myself and in two days got our taxes done, the kids’ taxes done, helped the daughterling pull together two giant scholarship apps, did FAFSAs for both kids, and CSS Profile for the one in a Profile school. ::::whew!:::::</p>
<p>I mostly have my IDOC packet ready to go, too. Just need to do a little more copying.</p>
<p>When I did the FAFSAs I had finished our taxes on the computer program, but hadn’t printed them out, signed them, etc. So I just chose the “will file” status because that’s sort of where my head was… if you know what I mean. But the figures are all set, it’s not like they were estimates or anything. I just didn’t know if it was necessary to go in and do a correction on the FAFSAs just for the purpose of changing the status.</p>
<p>Kelsmom would know for sure, but I’m thinking that perhaps if the FA people see the ‘will file’ they may anticipate changes even if none are forthcoming. I don’t like leaving loose ends open</p>
<p>Oh, those form ‘bender’s’ can be brutal on the brain. It felt SO good to put all the paper work into the binders with the 2008 tab and just sit back and wait for the refunds to appear. </p>
<p>My son worked 4 jobs and I had to file tax returns for 2 states for him.<br>
1 More year of fafsa and then it’s back to easy living as far as filling out the tax forms. Thank goodness for taxactonline, I would have had to drink heavily if I had to fill out all those forms by hand.</p>
<p>Oh, yeah! The finished binder. Well, I don’t actually have a binder, I’m more a folder-in-the-filing-cabinet type, but yeah… when all those ten million pieces of paper find their folder, their envelope, wherever, it’s a wonderous thing. Suddenly it seems like there is so much less STUFF.</p>
<p>My husband gets 12 W2s or more every year! I got one, and then there’s 1099s and 1098s… and we have very simple finances really, no investments or whatnot. I have to file in 3 states. My husband is darling, but hopeless with money, numbers, organization, etc.</p>
<p>Anyway, now everything is happily tucked away in it’s discreet place. Time for martinis! (Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever drunk a martini in my life, but now may be the time to start.)</p>
<p>I should have been more patient. The answer to my original came to me directly from FAFSA, unsolicited. Yes, I will need to make that correction to “already completed.”</p>
<p>Big Brother had to get that last word in, figures. </p>
<p>Oh, yeah, the clutter is filed or shredded. I have an 8 ft bench in my office that was filled with forms, papers and loads of ‘whatnot’. </p>
<p>Now I have to backup my computer files this weekend. I’m ANAL retentive about backing up data. I keep it in a fireproof box. It has my LIFE on it. </p>
<p>I recommend everyone who stores information on their computer that they would be upset about losing to do the same. I backup my outlook folders to a .pst file, my bookmarks and my firefox settings too. Then I just drag and drop the whole C drive to an external hard drive. I have room for several backups on that drive.</p>