Will I be accepted to a single one of my schools?

<p>Hey, thanks for clicking this thread, first of all. I'll try to give you all the information you need to give me an approximate answer.</p>

<li><p>I'm from Tbilisi, Georgia. My parents are from here, I was born here and I grew up here.</p></li>
<li><p>I go to a private school here and am one of the three Georgians who have the full $21,000 financial aid package.</p></li>
<li><p>My school is small. 150 kids total. </p></li>
<li><p>The best universities past students have managed to get into are University of Chicago and Yale University.</p></li>


<p>SAT I: 2150 superscore (2070 and 2120 seperately), with 650 reading, 710 math and 790 writing.</p>

<p>SAT II: Math level II was 660 and Level I was 640. I have no idea how. I'm taking them again this month but only three of my colleges accept scores from the January test date (Yale, Colby, Reed).</p>

<p>TOEFL: 114, internet-based.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7, unweighted. My school does NOT weigh GPA, nor does it determine class rank. I have the highest credentials by far, though, from my class.</p>

<p>AP classes: AP Psychology (4) and AP Biology (2) in my junior year, and AP Literature, AP World History and AP Calculus this year.</p>

<p>Courseload: Currently the only student in the last 2 grades who has had 8 classes for every year in high school. My classes have been fairly challenging.</p>

- Varsity soccer at school for 4 years,was captain for 2 years. 2nd place winner at the annual Baku Soccer Tournament.
- Played for a team in the national Georgian soccer league for one season - was a starter. 3rd place winner in the National League.
- Chief editor for the newspaper for 2 years.
- One of the three creators/editors of the school yearbook for 2 years (two teachers and I did everything, worked on weekends, etc.).
- Captain of the QSI quiz bowl team, 2nd place winner in the CEESA-organized tournament in Ukraine (out of 10 teams).
- Member of the QSI student council (treasurer).
- About 50 hours of community service (orphan house visits and such).
- Varsity basketball for 4 years, captain for 2 years (2-time winner of the annual Tbilisi Basketball Tournament).
- Played in "The Wizard of Oz".
- Many academic awards that I have put in my application.</p>

<p>Essays: Nothing extraordinary, but I think my essays are solid.</p>

<p>Extra: I need **serious financial aid<a href="either%20need-based,%20which%20they%20will%20see%20that%20I%20need%20from%20my%20CSS%20profile%20and%20such,%20or%20merit%20based%20scolarships">/b</a>.</p>

<p>My reach schools:</p>

<p>*Yale University
Vanderbilt University
Middlebury College
Wesleyan University
Vassar College</p>

<p>Reasonable matches:</p>

<p>Hamilton College
*Colby College
Colgate University
Macalester College
Colorado College
Bucknell University
Trinity College
Union College
Whitman College
Gettysburg College
Dickinson College
Skidmore College</p>

<p>Safe schools:</p>

<p>*Reed College
St. Lawrence University
Hobart & William Smith</p>

<p>*= will take SAT scores from the January test date.</p>

<p>I'm also thinking about adding Oberlin college (reasonable match), Brigham Young University (safety) and St. Edward's University (safety).</p>

<p>Of course, I'd love Yale, but it seems very unrealistic, so my #1 choice would have to be Colby or Vanderbilt. I'd absolutely love going to either one of those schools (in fact, I'd love going to any school on my list).</p>

<p>Please let me know if you think I will get into any of these (or how many). Many thanks in advance, and good luck to all other seniors!</p>

<p>I guess it’s too hard to give an answer. No worries, guys.</p>

<p>I think you have a shot at any of these schools but all of them are very competitive and international financial aid can be tough. I’m sure you will get into at least half. </p>

<p>Also, instead of taking 2 math tests for SAT II I’d recommend taking two different subjects to show that you have diverse knowledge.</p>

<p>That is a lot of schools. You will definitely be accepted to at least one, probably many more :slight_smile: good luck!</p>

<p>Thunder1: Wow. I really, honestly don’t think I will get into half, but thank you for those words. Being an international applicant who is seeking a full financial aid package really kills my chances, I think. Also, I am not sure I would do well at any of the subject tests except the mathematics ones. I will think about it, though. Thanks!</p>

<p>moonman676: Thank you! I hope you are right. I will be over the moon even if I get into one of these.</p>

<p>I think your stats are decent, but I also don’t know much about financial aid for you. There is an international thread that could give you links to a list of private LACs that may be interested in providing more financial aid, but Yale seems like a super reach. Your AP tests are not impressive (2 in bio?) so I would not advertise that score unless they ask. Since you appear to be highly athletic, perhaps playing soccer at a school like Colby, Skidmore or Middlebury, which are division II or III schools, would be a hook to get in easier as an Early Decision? Those schools don’t give merit aid or sport scholarships, but if you looked at international financial aid you could see if there’s hope.</p>

<p>Good luck … keep up the hard work.</p>

<p>“Extra: I need serious financial aid (either need-based, which they will see that I need from my CSS profile and such, or merit based scolarships).”</p>

<p>As an international applicant with significant financial need, you do not have any safeties or matches in the US. Every single institution here is a reach for you. I know that isn’t what you want to hear, but it is the truth. An academic safety that you can’t pay for on your own is not really a safety at all. </p>

<p>Because you are an international applicant, and you are not a full-pay student, none of us can predict your chances of admission at any of these institutions.</p>

<p>SnowFlakeVT: thank you for the reply! I’ve looked thoroughly, I can assure you, and the schools that are both reasonable reaches and give good international financial aid are right there in the first post. I agree, biology was a complete fail. I’m only sending my AP Psychology result. I’m not sure about Early Decision, since I am already a senior, but I was thinking about sending an athletic supplement. It just didn’t work out for the colleges I already sent my apps out to, though (8 of them). The ones that have January 15/February 1 deadlines, however, will most likely be getting the athletic supplement from me.</p>

<p>happymomof1: yes, this is more or less what I am thinking, actually. Thank you for being honest! The truth is, there really doesn’t exist a school which would be a “safety” for me. All I can do is hope for the best, really. I expect a lot of waitlists to be coming my way in late March/early April.</p>

<p>Hm, scratch that, I meant there isn’t a U.S. school which would be a safety for me. I didn’t list them here, but I’m also applying to Jacobs University in Bremen and Franklin College in Switzerland, and I’m confident that I’ll at least get into Jacobs with the full aid package (possibly partially made up of loans).</p>

<p>Are you Mormon? BYU is not a safety if you are not.</p>

<p>Reed would be far from a safety for you even if you were American, but since you are not, it is a massive reach. All of your schools are, actually.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t even bother applying to St. Lawrence, Hobart and William Smith, Union, Trinity or Skidmore, if I were you. They won’t accept you/offer you sufficient financial aid.</p>

<p>siliconvalleymom: I had heard the same, but I was not sure. Thanks.</p>

<p>Ghostt: Right, none of these are really safeties. Why do you think those five schools won’t accept me or offer sufficient aid, though? St. Lawrence fully funds 20 internationals per year, and the same goes for Trinity and Hobat & William Smith. While Union and Skidmore do offer less (10-15) full rides, I think it’s still worth a shot. Do correct me if I’m wrong, though.</p>

<p>Your reach schools are reach obviously, don’t hold you breath but you can hope you get into one of them. As for the rest, reasonable chances all around.</p>



<p>If this is merit-based, it will help. If it’s need-based, it’s either going to do nothing or hurt because of your international status.</p>

<p>With the number of schools you’re applying to and with your credentials, which are strong but not spectacular, I’d expect that you’ll get into at least one of them. However, that said, it’s entirely possible to be rejected across the board.</p>

<p>The sad truth here is that were you a domestic applicant, you could probably get into a heap of these schools. By virtue of being an international applicant requesting considerable need-based aid, your chances are severely diminished.</p>

<p>Good luck with the rest of your applications and with your results come April!</p>

<p>drac313: exactly my thoughts, good sir.</p>

<p>RedSeven: the same goes to you. Thank you!</p>

<p>p.s. the scholarship is merit-based, but the only place I mentioned it is my common essay</p>

<p>Added Oberlin College and Denison University, removed Colgate University.</p>

<p>Not to sound obsessive, but I’ve added Colgate again. Now applying to a total of 24 schools…</p>

<p>I’ve seen many international applicants who are seeking financial aid get rejected across the board with 2200+ SAT scores. Yes, there’s more to your application than SAT scores, but I’m not confident at all that I’ll get into at least one of my schools with the financial aid package I need.</p>

<p>Hi Valoriane. Good to see another Georgian on this board. I also live in Tbilisi and just started researching schools in the US. It looks like you have done extensive research already and you know exactly what you want, which is admirable. I graduated last year from a Georgian university, studied business administration and been accruing work experience as a management consultant. I decided that I want to switch and do my postgraduate studies in psychology (focus on Industrial Organizational psychology to use my knowledge in business), if schools allow me.</p>

<p>btw, have you considered some programs like Muskie? and what is your opinion about them?</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you Happymom1, the only voice of reason here. Needing a lot of aid means many things must come toughter. The schools muct find you exceptional, they must find you more exceptional than other applicants from your country,t they must have a desire for another student from your country…and so on. in other words, the stars must liine Up.</p>

<p>While it’s pretty crazy for US applicants, it’s absolutely insane for intnls needing money.</p>

<p>anzorm: Nice to see a fellow Georgian on here indeed. Which university did you graduate from? </p>

<p>I’m not sure about such programs because it seems they’re not for undergraduates. If I find out more about them, I’ll be sure to let you know. Cheers and happy holidays man ;)</p>

<p>Waverly: True, exactly. In Georgia, we have about 10 or 15 applicants with a 2000+ SAT. Only one has a higher score than me, but we shall see.</p>