<p>Hello. I am a sophomore currently attending Cal Poly Pomona. For a number of reasons, I am interested in transferring to one of the universities in Oregon...most notably Portland State or University of Oregon. </p>
<p>Anyway, my main concerns are my grades. My current GPA is 2.492. According to the admission requirements for these schools, the minimum required GPA tends to be around 2.25-2.50. But obviously, having a GPA slightly above the required does not mean I will be admitted. My high school GPA was around 2.98. As for my SATs, I got a 620 in Critical Reading, 560 in Math, and 530 in Writing.</p>
<p>I'm not sure what else to say...I don't really stand out by being involved in extra-curricular activities. So, I am trying to gauge whether or not I should even attempt to transfer. Any comments are welcome. Thanks a lot.</p>
<p>It doesn't hurt to try. Perhaps your essays will be the deciding factor.</p>
<p>I actually attended University of Oregon, but decided to come back to home to California to transfer to yet another school (but that's a different story). In my opinion, you should definitely apply to UO. I personally believe their acceptance standards are not as rigorous as you think. I got in out of hs, with a slightly higher GPA but did take quite a few AP classes, but your SATs are higher than mine were, with exception of the writing section (mine is only 10 points higher, haha). Even though your GPA isn't fantastic, you are attending a university as opposed to a cc, which I think is a much bigger advantage (the average GPA may apply more to CC students). At UO most of my friends were from Portland and spoke very lowly of PSU, said it was basically like attending community college and most students were over the age of 25. But, maybe this is what you want. If you're interested in going to school in Portland, apply to University of Portland, it's a better school academically, in the other areas not so sure. But definitely apply to UO, I really think you have a better chance than you may think. </p>
<p>Oh and a little side-note I have a friend who attends UCSD with a approx 2.2 GPA and was accepted to Oregon State with only first-year standing. As a former duck though I must say that's only because Oregon State sucks. haha, but all joking aside, maybe that gives a slightly better idea?</p>
<p>Hope all this rambling helps...I really think you'd get into UO if you applied.</p>