Will I be eligible for in - state tuition ?

I’m a high school senior this year. So I’ve been l living in Ohio for about a year and a few months . My Dad works for a company that is based in Georgia but he’s based here in Ohio ( as he works from home, and occasionally travels for work) . We have our apartment lease here, our drivers license everything from the state of Ohio. My father is like the only one earning in our family, and maybe ( I’m not sure ), he has been paying Georgia taxes because his project ( contract employer ) is based in Georgia . But we have every single proof of living here in Ohio for the past year, but because my dad has more of a transferable job, it’s really concerning for me . So will Ohio college consider me as an instate or out of state applicant in this case ?

You are an Ohio resident. Dad presumably files a resident income tax return in OH and a nonresident GA income tax return.

You are a resident of Ohio for tuition purposes now…but if your family relocates to another state, this will not be the case.

Your dad’s company place of employment is not your place of residence.