Will I be too late?

<p>I just sent my U-mich app in today (still not too late?). I will hopefully be applying to Yale UPenn and Northwestern very soon but I want to know if it's even worth it at this point. I think I have written some great essays and I have gotten very positive reccomendations. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT: 1470 (780m 690v one sitting)
SAT IIs: took on Saturday... I don't have a good feeling about them but if I'm going to apply I have to make my decision w/o the scores.
GPA: 3.893
9 APs by the time I graduate</p>

National Merit commended
USAA math scholar
Illinois state scholar
Whos who (yes I know dumb)
All Academic conference track
IHSA scholastic athletic award</p>

Lot's of missions work (2 weeks in Guatemala this summer.. raised all the funds myself)
Senior class VP
Peer Mediator
Youth group
Student Ambassador

<p>I'm from Illinois and I go to a pretty average high school.. the average ACT is about a 20.5.</p>

<p>You have a 3.9 unweighed GPA and a 1470 on your SAT. Even at this late stage, I like your chances at Michigan. You also have a great chance at Penn and Northwestern. Yale is always a reach, but your stats are good enough and if your essays are excellent, you never know. </p>

<p>What do you want to major in?</p>

<p>Well, atleast a focus in pre-med.. I might go psychology for my major but I'm not sure.</p>

<p>bump for more responses.</p>

<p>My post is desperate for action.</p>