will I get a decent amount from temple? (applying early decision?)

From NJ
Junior at Princeton High School( idk if my high school helps but its hard as shit so it better lol!!)
3.8/4.0 (unweighted)
4.0 weighted
First time taking SATS-( i didn’t study so I will do much better on the next ones)
Writing- (essay I got a 9/12) grammar (BOMBED) 520
Math- 650
Reading- 630
overall 1800/2400
( i am aiming for a 2050/2400) for the next time

very very impressive community service program (called quioxte quest) for center of family services
gold award for community service 250 hours ( I will get an excellent recommendation letter, mainly about leadership)
Freshman Year Classes-
Geometry- B+
English 1- A
French 3- A
Studio Art- A-
Latin 1- B+
Gym/Health- A
Biology- A-
US History 1- A-

Accelerated(Honors) Algebra 2- B (weighted A, i think)
Advanced(Honors) French 3- A (5/4 weighted)
US History 2- A
Personal Finance/Writing Workshop-A
English 2- A
Chemistry- A-
Gym/Drivers Ed- A

Pre-calc- A-
physics- A
French 4-A
Creative Writing/ Media Studies- A
Gym- medically excused
Health- A
Word History- A
English 3 (American Literature)- A

Temple merit scholarships listed here

As far as I know, they are automatic (if you have those stats, they give you that amount).
Applying early is probably best, as I guess it might be first come/ first served. Take note that they are rolling, so even if you don’t apply ED you still find out pretty quick.

I haven’t taken the ACT, that’s a requirement for all of the scholarships at temple right?

Will you have to pay in-state or out of state tuition?

No, you only have to take the SAT or the ACT. Some do both because they do better on one or the other. If you only take SAT that is fine, they will use that. As you see, your M + CR scores are very important to how much merit money you can get. Right now it looks like you are at the 5,000 per year level.

To see total estimated aid, run the Net Price Calculator you can find on Temple’s website, or the College Board. You should not ED if you don’t have a handle on how much you will have to pay and that your family is fine with that.