Will I get in? or do I need to improve a lot?

<p>I am a junior at Public High School in New York.
I have a 91.6 average.
I'm in 3 AP Classes and I do 3 sports including one club.
However I am a transfer student from a catholic school, so I'm wondering whether if that has a big effect on my chances of getting in.
If there are other factors I need to include let me know because I visited Wisconsin this past Fall and I absolutely loved it.
Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>I haven’t taken my ACT yet, but I got a 27 on my diagnostic so I’m not sure if I should improve that score or not. </p>

<p>Get signed up immediately for both the ACT and the SAT. Then plan on taking both of them at least twice. Generally your scores will improve the second time around.</p>

<p>You have an excellent chance of getting into U.Wisconsin-Madison. However, you need to apply to at least two more schools. Everybody – everyone! – should apply to an absolute minimum of three schools: 1) one “dream” school, 2) one “safe” school which you are almost certain will admit you, and 3) one “cheap” school in case you cannot afford the first two. Actually, I consider five schools to be the minimum; otherwise, you could end up going no place. It is absolutely deadly to apply to only one school. A perfect way to ruin your college years.</p>

<p>By the way, I also recommend that you apply to your dream school after applying to at least two other schools first. That way you will understand the general procedures for applying to college, and can submit a polished, high-quality application.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>UW parent here – definitely work on that ACT score, a 27 for out of state student is not going to be a strong candidate. An A- gpa is fine, but to be able to relax a bit more, one would want an ACT of 30 or above. UW will consider the rigor of your curriculum – iIf 3 APs is a strong curriculum at your school, then you should be ok on the curriculum side. Also, as a transfer student, UW requires the original transcript from all of your high schools, not just the grades from the old school added onto your current transcript. As a lot of Catholic schools can have different grading scales, UW will see those original grades, not just what they became on your final, public school transcript. </p>

<p>Good luck, and keep up the good work. If you loved UW, you might also take a look at IU Bloomington, or Univ Minnesota Twin Cities, where admission is a little bit easier than UW. </p>

<p>It won’t matter that you transferred from a private to a public HS. Your unweighted gpa will matter- this means no added points for Honors/AP. Convert your %ile gpa to a 4.0 =A scale to be able to compare it to the system UW and many schools use (ask your guidance counselor how to). As above, the rigor of your classes compared to what is available to you matters.</p>

<p>Liking UW does not mean you would like other Midwestern schools- they each have their own character. Do have several choices as mentioned above. Absolute numbers are not as important as having choices you can afford and are likely to get into. </p>