<p>Weighted GPA: 3.94</p>
<p>SAT: 1980 (2400)
-CR: 620
-M: 640
-W: 720</p>
<p>ACT: 30</p>
<p>honors classes all 3 years
2 AP classes senior year</p>
<p>Good extra curriculars:
captain of varsity swimming
NHS member
50+ hours of community service
2 jobs</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic </p>
<p>UF has been my dream school FOREVER; I know my gpa isn't as high as most, but looking at my transcripts I progressed a lot through my 3 years of high school (top public high school in NJ). OOS hurts my chances too, but Ive been emailing and speaking to an admissions officer there; she can only see my test scores and essay but said "I looked like a strong applicant." She told me she'd make a note of my enthusiasm to go there on my application and also that my cousin goes there. I'm soo nervous and am dying to know; I don't think I can last till Feb 11th! please be honest and let me know if I can do anything else to increase my chances...</p>
<p>If you were in-state you would easily get in. For out of state, I do not know. You have good chances of getting in, but out of state admissions are much harder. </p>
<p>IMO for higher chances you could have taken more AP’s and gotten a higher SAT score or ACT.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>lili, I’m also applying out of state. Good luck! Where did you find the contact information for your admissions rep? I can’t find it on the UF website.</p>
<p>hey guru, i found this email on their website: <a href=“mailto:freshman@ufl.edu”>freshman@ufl.edu</a> … its just the general freshman admissions email. After I emailed them with a question I had, they gave me the email address for the admissions officer for my region (NY/ NJ). If you try they’ll probably do the same for you! good luckk</p>
<p>i think you are pretty solid. like you said yor GPA is pretty low for a weighted…what is it unweighted? your scores a good- no worries there. also i think that you should have gotten some more comm service (50 is pretty low). </p>
<p>the fact that you are out of state can work both ways: yeah they prefer florida students, BUT UF is jonesing for money right now and you will be paying A LOT more.</p>
<p>so my verdict is: yes you will get in. if not the first time than defferred. i have a feeling ill be seeing you next fall
go gators…</p>
<p>@lilivalley10 would you mind messaging me the basics of what you sent to the admissions counselor? I am also OOS, Hispanic, and have somewhat similar stats so maybe if I tried a similar approach, it would give the admission counselors a sense of my desire to go to UF.</p>