<p>i have a 3.5 gpa, 1140/1600 and 1780/2400 sat's. many many leadership, extracurricular, volunteer activities, you name it i've probably done it. i've taken basically all ap and honors courses. do you think i have a shot?</p>
<p>Are you from Maryland? If so, you’ve got a good chance.</p>
<p>IS yes, OOS maybe not so much. The SAT is low and you haven’t said if that is a weighted gpa or not. Also it will depend on what you are applying for. Engineering, even IS might be a reach.</p>
<p>3.5 UW? If so, which if you took all APs and honors, you should have a higher GPA (Weighted), 3.9-4.1+? Are you instate? I’d say if you’re OOS you have a good chance, and in state, you have a really, really good chance. My roommate last year was #14 in his class of a 300 class and 1160 SAT and he got in from new jersey. A lot of factors weigh out the equation. </p>
<p>OOS tends to be more difficult, but sometimes they seek to diversify their student body and will admit more people from other areas, if you’re oos.</p>
<p>Off topic Bruins how is Florida are you enjoying it more?</p>
<p>Hey BulletandPima,</p>
<p>Yeah, U of M is a better fit for me, because of the smaller learning environments and one on one interactions with my professors. The party life aspect is not as good as Maryland, but it’s good enough. I miss certain aspects of Maryland like a large, sprawling campus and all my friends because I do not have nearly as many here because as a transfer it was hard to meet people, but I have a few groups of kids and I’m going to be a founding father of a fraternity next sem., so everything is getting better and better. I actually visited Maryland during our Fall Break, it was so nice, but I know UMD is a nice place for me to visit my old friends, but not the right school for me.</p>
<p>Glad to hear that you are happy. I laugh because UM was DS’s 2nd choice (they gave him a fistful of money to go(92K), compared to the 8K at UMD :() </p>
<p>Have a great winter break…now back on topic and I agree a 3.5 uw is a yes, a 3.5 w probably not. If you are IS take a look around your classmates and rack and stack yourself. Last yr only 1 in 7 got accepted. It is harder to get a grasp as an OOS, especially if you are from places like WA, OK, TN, NC, etc. Our DS was the only kid that applied to UMD he had no ability to judge himself against other kids. His roommate is from MD, so he felt confident, his best friend is from NJ and was the only one out of his group to be accepted, although all of his friends applied.</p>
<p>Not trying to be a downer, just trying to give you as many facts as humanly possible to ease the process.</p>
<p>I also believe if your gpa is a 3.5 depending on your niche essay you might get into scholars/gemstone</p>
<p>I thought for you Scholars/ GEMSTONE, you need high SAT scores. My friends were in Gemstone because I lived in Ellicott Hall (GEMSTONE dorm) and they all had at least a 1380-1500+, some turned down offers from some amazing schools because of the instate tuition. For Scholars, I thought you needed a strong 1300. I had quite a few friends in Cumberland and they all had higher SATs than me (1350, 1380, 1470, etc).</p>
<p>DS had 1370 or 1390 (can’t remember) and is in Scholars, he was not selected for gemstone because he had no desire to do a group project, which automtaically eliminates you…funny thing is everytime we see him he says he wants to move to Easton…hot chicks over there! </p>
<p>Scholars do live over in the cambridge community, he is in Centreville</p>
<p>We were told by admissions that gpa/SAT do matter, but so does the niche question.</p>
<p>This is old and it is for 07, remember 08 had 28K, but here goes
[University</a> of Maryland - Freshman Profile Information](<a href=“http://www.admissions.umd.edu/admissions/counselor/freshmanprofile.asp]University”>http://www.admissions.umd.edu/admissions/counselor/freshmanprofile.asp)</p>
<p>I believe when they give the number actually admitted means everybody in the program currently (all 4 yrs), because Scholars has their own dorms and those dorms could definetly not fit 2600 kids, just like Honors and gemstone</p>
<p>yeah its not weighted and i’m from pennsylvania. im hoping to go into liberal arts</p>