Will I get in with the regular pool?

I was deferred from Wisconsin and I was wondering what my chances of getting in are when they release decisions in March.
I am out of state from New Jersey.
3.7 unweighted gpa on a 4.3 scale.
1390 SAT
I am very active in performing arts in school and take classes at a performing arts studio outside of school. I did a paid workshop in NYC in between sophomore and junior year. I also am very active at my church (participating in the choir and helping with Sunday school).

No one can give you a definitive answe but it does appear that a lot of EA applicants get deferred and eventually accepted after all applications are reviewed. Just going by the stats you provided, it would seem likely to be accepted but I don’t know what the rest of your application looks like. I believe in the past, it wasn’t until March that deferred applicants heard the decisions.
Hang in there!!!’