<p>I can't take this waiting anymore!! I applied EA and after everything I've heard about MIT I'm going to be more and more depressed when I get deferred during EA and subsequently rejected during RD. Here are my stats - what are my chances at getting an acceptance letter tomorrow/tuesday depending on the efficiency of the USPS?</p>
<p>Valedictorian - 1st in about 750
4.6667 GPA
660 - Verbal (took new SAT on December 3rd - this score will probably go up)
800 - Math
800 - Math IIc
760 - US History
740 - Physics
ACT scores
Math - 36, 35
Science - 35, 32
Reading - 32, 28
English - 34, 32
Writing - 34, 31
Composite - 33, 32
BC Calculus - 5
Statistics - 5
United States History - 5
2 Years junior varsity golf team
4 Years math team
3 years scholastic bowl
founder of Students for a Free Tibet at my school
founder of Young Democrats Club at my school
150+ volunteer hours
Work Experience: 6 years as a caddy</p>
<p>If any background info helps - I'm a caucasian male from suburban Illinois from a middle-class family</p>
<p>My essays weren't extraordinary but they did provide insight into my love of learning and level of maturity. My recs were probably decent and my verbal score will hopefully be raised by my December 3rd SAT. There are several people in my school applying to MIT if that inhibits my chances at all.</p>