2.5 GPA
1130 SAT (M + CR)
Loads of EC:
-Varsity sports thru-out highschool,
-extensive community service
-President of a club
-several IBs and AP's</p>
<p>possibly... Your EC's are good. But SAT doesnt' quite make it. Hopefully you will.</p>
<p>my sats were 1180 i got in no problem and admitted to isenberg school of business, the gpa might be a problem but the sat's should be fine.</p>
<p>ur SAT is fine i only had an 1100 i had a 2.9 GPA unweighted.... i got into there pre-med program.... good luck! also i think they look at the essay more then one might think when i applied there was a note next to it that lead one to believe some ppl blow that part off and it looks bad...</p>