Will I get in?

I applied ED1 to CC and I was hoping someone could estimate my chances of admission.

GPA: 3.64 unweighted last time I checked (a few months ago), and I’m currently getting straight As
SAT: 1240/1600, 590 math and 650 English

My essays were solid. The general common app one (I chose the prompt about changing an idea or belief) was about my struggle with deep self-loathing and my process of gaining self esteem through wilderness therapy and a residential treatment center. For the first CC essay I wrote about growing up visiting Colorado Springs and searching for schools in that area, and then went into detail about why the block plan will benefit me, how/why I want to take advantage of the unique opportunities given at the school, etc. My class I created for the second essay was focused on the musical theater composer Stephen Sondheim. (looking at his life, works, writing additional scenes for his shows in a Sondheim-esque way, condensing one of his shows and performing it for the class in groups, and things like that.) I pointed out the history and psychology aspects of the class in addition to the theatrical component.

I visited and did the optional interview, and I think it went fairly smoothly. I’m a little socially awkward, but I answered each question completely, kept my answers on topic, and responded in a way that hopefully gave the interviewer a glance at who I am and what makes me unique.

(And, if this helps, I’ve been accepted at CSU, UWYO, and Wilkes, the only three schools I’ve heard from so far.)

Hmm. What are your ECs?

Musical theater
Volunteer work at the New England Wildlife Center

(Coxswain in crew, not rower)

I think you have a decent chance at ED (like me).

Thanks :slight_smile: Best of luck! Let me know when you hear back!