Will I get in?

Hi! I’m planning on applying early decision to GW, and I just wanted to know what my chances of getting in are from people who’ve applied. I have a 1240 SAT, and a 4.1 gpa. I have extracurricular’s such as tutoring, community service, varsity captain, etc. Would you say my chances of getter accepted ED are good or no?

I think you need to share more info:

AP/honors courses?
Intended major?
How many hours of community service?
How many hours (total or per week) have you tutored?
What are your other ECs (“etc” isn’t detailed)
Have you toured the campus or had any contact with your area’s GW rep?

Your GPA is good (SAT is on the lower side) but there are a lot more factors that go into acceptance than just GPA.

@NHuffer All the courses I’ve taken in high school have been honors except for math my freshman and sophomore year and chem my junior year. I have four ap classes (apush, world, lit and comp, gov and pol). I’ve taken latin all 4 years of high school and gotten awards on the National Latin Exam, and am apart of the honors society for latin. My community service is anywhere from 60-100ish hours (I’m a Girl Scout & have gotten my bronze & silver award), I’ve tutored 2 kids in latin for a year and a half (about once a week, and I tutor one girl in math (she’s a freshman) but only about once or twice a month (for three years through). JV and Varsity captain, sports all 4 years of high school. Im in two clubs and am secretary of one of them, I’m also on the yearbook committee. I also work at diner in my town (paid job). I toured the campus back in June and emailed by rep after my tour expressing my enjoyment of the tour/school. A rep is coming to my school later in October and ill be attending their information session. My intended major is political science. Thank you so much for replying!


With the rest of your info considered, I think you’re a very strong match for GW.

@NHuffer Hi! Thanks, that puts my mind at ease. Do you think I should submit my test scores? Considering my grades and ec’s I think my application is good, but I feel like a 1250 is a little low.

@ellapierce2498 knowing that it won’t hurt you to not submit your scores, I’d recommend not submitting them. Your GPA puts you in the upper half (perhaps top quarter but I’d have to look-up the most recent stats) but your test score is in the bottom quarter.