<p>Hey so I'm a junior and I haven't taken my SAT's yet, therefore I can post those scores.</p>
<p>I'm a female.</p>
<p>But as of now, I have a 4.13 GPA (including honors class)
I am ranked 15 in my class of over 300.
I am the president of my class, president of my school's chapter of Habitat for humanity, treasurer of the Buisness Proffesionals of America at my school, member of the freshman mentoring program, big brothers big sisters, best buddies, book club, speech and debate team, International club, as well as Junior Statesmen of America, and I started a STAND chapter in my school this year
In addition, I have been a memebr of the dance team at my school, and I play guitar. my courses are all honors or ap, and I take a public speaking class at a local college.</p>
<p>so as of now, what do you think?</p>