-33 ACT
-4.58 weighted GPA
-In state</p>
<p>JV Lacrosse 9th and 10th
Wind Ensemble 9th
Varsity Wrestling 9th
Academic All-Conference Wrestling 9th
Nat'l Honor Society 11th
Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society 11th
Parks and Rec Assistant Lacrosse Coach 11th</p>
<p>I think that I'm in good shape with everything except my extracurriculars, since I haven't really participated in anything consistantly for 3 years. Most of the people I've talked to say I have a pretty good shot of getting in, so I'm just looking for some 3rd or 4th opinions. Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Here’s some more information if it will help.</p>
<p>SAT: 660M, 690CR, 680W (Just got my scores today)</p>
<p>Freshman Year:
Algebra I: B
Band I: A
Hon. World History: A
Healthful Living: A
Earth Science: A
Mass Media and Communications: A
Hon. English I: A
Band II: A</p>
<p>Sophomore Year:
Hon. Biology: A
AP Human Geography: B
Hon. Geometry: A
German I: A
German II: A
Hon. Civics and Economics: A
Hon. English II (Pre-AP): A
Hon. Algebra II: A</p>
<p>Junior Year (Some classes are not complete yet so I’ll put the estimate):
Hon. Pre-Calculus: B
Hon. German III: A
AP US History: A
AP English Language and Composition: A or B
Programming and Broadcasting: A
Hon. Chemistry: A
Hon. German IV: A
Hon. Law and Justice: A</p>
<p>Senior Year (Tentative):
AP English Literature and Composition
Hon. Anatomy and Physiology
AP Economics (Macro)
AP Statistics
Business Law
Hon. German V
Medical Science I
Programming and Broadcasting II</p>
<p>GPA after junior year: 3.83-3.875 unweighted, 4.583-4.625 weighted</p>
<p>-Program Chair-Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society (I just got the officer position last week)
-North Carolina Senate Page Program Participant
-Work Experience- Cashier at PetSmart Feb. 2009-Present</p>
<p>Thanks again!</p>
<p>/if you live in any county other than Mecklenburg, most likely. If your from Meck, your competitive, which is about as good as it can be. Carolina does county based affirmative action i.e. they have quotas for how many kids get in per county. Number wise Meck has the most admitted, but in comparison to the total number that apply the percentage is ridiculously low. Lucky for me I live in a county with a relatively low University matriculation rate
(hopefully you do to!)</p>
<p>I don’t buy that UNC has hard and fast quotas for certain counties or demographics. However, UNC DOES want to create an ethnically and geographically diverse class. Almost all schools do. This may mean taking a few more kids from X area where there aren’t as many applicants and not as many from Y area where there will always be 12389018092184309821390812309 applicants, but I highly doubt there is some formula that says “only 500 students from mecklenburg county may be accepted, only 200 from forsyth county, and 50 from scotland county, et cetera”</p>
<p>I’m from Wake, which is probably the second most competitive after Mecklenburg, I would think. My school is also among the most competitive in the county though, and other students from there have done well at UNC. By the way, I’m in the top 5%, if that gives any perspective. Thanks for all the info guys!</p>
<p>^^being in the top 5% of your wake county high school should get you in.</p>