Will I get Into Syracuse New House, or should I apply to a different school?


I am applying to syracuse, and i really want to go, but my dream major is in the new house school- which i’m not sure if i will get into.

i have a 3.49 GPA, but, my grades show massive growth, from failing my freshmen year due to mental health and bullying, and now i’m getting straight As

i have an interview tomorrow, and have showed quite a lot of demonstrated interest as well

i also have 70 hours of community service, plenty of clubs (such as art club and broadcasting club) and a bunch of jobs that are focused on helping my community.

should i not apply for new school and try for another major in a different school?

or do i just go for it?

please help!!

First off it’s Newhouse. Not New House. If you send a thank you note make sure you get that right.

Do you mean another college or a different school within Syracuse U when asking whether to apply to another ?

You should always have reaches, matches and safeties. What is your intended major ? BJ or something else ??


Deep breath, stay confident, enjoy the interview as it is an opportunity to introduce yourself and learn about the school and then decide what you want to do. Don’t allow your stress to get the best of you.

Spend the night thinking about all the relevant and interesting experiences you want to share and how you will integrate them into a discussion. Sincerely consider what questions you would like to gain a greater understanding of. Then get some sleep and kick but.

Lastly perhaps wear something orange. Good luck.


Sorry. I meant a different school within Syracuse University

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@Catcherinthetoast thank you so much, i needed that. the college process is all way too scary for me. that response means so much more to me than you will ever know.


Be fearless!!! Please report back. I suspect your interviewer is a bit nervous😀

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What’s your intended major? Broadcast Journalism or something else.

Not sure if they do it anymore but in years past if you didn’t make Newhouse they might still offer you Arts & Sciences with a chance to transfer in.

If you give your major we can offer suitable alternatives.

If your desired major is within Newhouse then that’s where you should apply.

You’d be better to get rejected and study what you want elsewhere.


That’s true, my intended major is Television, Radio and Film. I really love this major, but i also really like the BJ major. But, what i am applying for is television, radio and film

Interviews are a positive. They are a conversation. There’s no reason to be nervous.

But you do want to be prepared.

Be able to explain why Syracuse. Know 2 or 3 things.

Have 3 things to show how you’ll contribute to the campus community.

Have questions ready…they’ll ask.

You can ask about their career and how SU helped them ?

It can be fun such as asking about the neighboring food scene or favorite restaurant on M Street (Marshall St).

Or is football or basketball better to watch in the Dome ?

Or serious - what type of research or projects are available ?

Or how can study abroad be integrated with x major or the programs in NYC or LA etc.

Come ready

You’ll be fine

It’s your chance to shine

Don’t overthink. Be comfortable.

Ok. Apply for TRF. Applying to A&s makes no sense.

BTw I assume you applied to other schools…like Ithaca, Elon, Hofstra, Bradley or many public schools. Just in case.

I went to Newhouse. It’s a wonderful school. I was BJ. maybe 10% made it. Maybe. I had a friend who ran out of money, had to transfer to her home school…Montana. I visited and went to class. The education was better and every kid in her class…like 20….had jobs. She’s now a news director.

The point - SU is a great name but often times that doesn’t mean best experience. Even if it were, you can become successful coming from any school. Get involved, get engaged, use you phone to practice and you’ll be great !!

Most importantly…make sure your thank you note spells Newhouse properly !!

S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Show them you belong !!


thank you so so much, it means a lot. Syracuse is most definitely where i want to go, and i am just very worried about GPA and not meeting the academic standards. i will definitely have questions prepared and those are some amazing ones you have provided. Thank you so so much again, have a great night!

i’ll keep you guys posted!

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thank you!!! will do!

Where else have you applied?

For film/tv you might also consider DePaul, Ithaca and Emerson. Penn State has a good program in their Communications School.

How’d it go ?

it went great!

she loved the question about the restaurants on marshall street (thank you for that one)

we talked a bunch about my major, i explained my grades, i also explained my passion.

we hit it off really well, no awkward silence, we were laughing and joking around.

i was able to express how much i want to go, i was given a lot of tips, and all around it was great!

i also wore a syracuse sweatshirt she liked!

thanks for the help!!


Awesome. See. Just a conversation !!

But do make sure u have your match and safety schools…just in case. Many were mentioned in posts above.


searching for my ed answers and found yours… your stats are similar to mine but i went to the pre-college program at newhouse and had much less community service. what ended up happening?