Will I get into Texas State HSMC without an AIME qualification?

I really love math and am pretty good at it, so I want to do the Texas State HSMC. However, most of those who are accepted have 1 or 2 AIME qualifications and I don’t have any because I test really badly. I have really great grades in math. Will I get in without an AIME qualification?

To answer your question: no idea. Apply and find out.
BUT…See if you can find the problem sets from the entrance test. Are they difficult? Easy? Do you have any experience with writing proofs? Know anything about combinatorics? Probability? Have you ever solved problems in a group? Do you really want to do math 8-12 hrs/day for 6 weeks (or however long it is)? While this camp is great, it’s hard-core, as are most math camps. If you are set about going to a prestigious math camp like HSMC, ROSS, PROMYS, Hampshire, etc. spend the summer and the fall working on writing proofs and getting your hands on as many problem sets from these camps as you can. A word to the wise: being a ‘math mom’ I know that most kids have tutors that help them with the AMC 10/12/AIME, or they take classes (online), or get outside help of some kind. They work on math every day outside of school. They treat it like a sport. They train. Good luck!