Will I get into UC with a F?

I suck at math. I’m currently an incoming senior. During junior year, I took pre-calculus and got C in both semesters, but during sophomore year I got a C (1st semester) and F (2nd semester). I’m planning to take night school but during that time, college apps are being done and I want to get into a UC. Will the UCs see that F while I’m still working on night school because I would have to send a transcript?

UC’s require that you report all grades including the F, but they will use the repeat grade in their UC GPA calculation.

Should clarify, UC’s will use all grades from 10-11th at time of application. If you do not have a repeat grade for the course to submit on your application, then your F will be included in your GPA calculation along with having to report it. UC’s do not allow you to update grades unless you are specifically asked for a supplemental so they will not see the repeat grade after you submit the application. They will however see the repeat course in progress.
UC’s do not ask for transcripts until you are accepted. You self-report all grades.

Yes, it will hurt your chances but by passing Pre-Calc you have validated the previous years Math which I presume is Algebra 2 but no way to dismiss the F until the repeat semester grade is completed.

with 2 semester Cs on you transcript, you’ll have a tough time getting your GPA to a competitive level for most of the UCs. What are your other stats?

I was wondering, how were you allowed to take pre-calculus after getting a F in the prerequisite math before that (Algebra 2 which includes trig.)?

^ This and what were your ACT/SAT scores?

Why would you want to attend a UC where the math only gets harder?

For my other classes, I either get A’s or B’s. It’s just math looking bad. For my SAT, I got a 1410.

the fact you aren’t forthcoming with your GPA speaks volumes. If you are getting As and Bs and keep the F on your transcript, your GPA is probably in the 3.2 range or lower. I am sorry to say, you wont be competitive at any of the UCs with those stats. Post your GPA and we’ll help you find alternate

So what is your UC GPA capped weighted and fully weighted?

Test scores do not make up for a low GPA unless there were extenuating circumstances which can be addressed in your personal insight essays.

My unweighted GPA is 3.08 and weighted is 3.33. Will I at least have a chance of getting into UC Riverside?

UCR: Low Reach
UCM; Match-High Match

If you are in-state CA, then you should look the Cal States which can give you an excellent education.

Look at your local CSU as a safety.

What are your test scores? Just based on your GPA, the majority of Cal States (depending upon major) could be possible. Exceptions are San Diego State, Cal Poly SLO. CSU Long Beach, CSU Fullerton, San Jose State and Cal Poly Pomona.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.00-3.39

UCD: 4%
UCSC: 18%
UCR: 38%
UCM: 67%

assuming an 1150 SAT and average ECs and essays, UCR is pretty unlikely. Merced could either way. Most majors at most of the CSUs are probably options. any idea what you’d like to study?

OP said 1410 SAT not 1150 SAT. Which might give them a better change. I’d give a good change at Merced if the F was fixed.

F would need to be remediated or validated. Math can often be validated. See this document: (p. 21) This would also be need to be fixed for Cal States.


Which would imply that the C’s on your pre-Calc class would ‘validate’ the F on second semester Algebra II. The F will still count into your GPA though and hurt your chances of acceptance.

But honestly I’d check with your H.S. counselor and/or a UC Admission officer as well.

sorry didn’t catch that but, even a 1410 doesn’t really change my read much for the UCs, perhaps now 60/40 for merced but, the rest are pretty unlikely. All the UCs are really GPA focused. It will make a much bigger difference at CSUs. All but CP SLO and SDSU will probably be happy to have you.

Here is my update: I have fixed the Algebra II grade to a B instead of an F. Are my chances a little higher than before?

If your unweighted gpa is still 3.08 and weighted is 3.3, after getting Algebra II up to a B, like Gumbymom posted above, your chances are still slim, with UCM as the exception. Work hard at least the first half of your senior year. Sometimes if you are borderline, the UC’s might ask for a supplemental for the first half of the senior year. Good luck!