<p>I am a senior in New York and I am hoping to get into the University of Miami or University of Florida. I wanted to see if my grades would be high enough to get in. I have a 3.4 GPA out of 4.0. I've taken 6 AP and honors classes. My sophomore year is what really killed my GPA, I was always a 90's student. My brother passed away the summer before my sophomore year and it really took a toll on me academically. My SATs on reading and math was an 1150 (I'm retaking them October 5th and have been going to a Kaplan tutor) I have yet to take my ACTs and I plan to do early admission to both schools. I've been a cheerleader all 4 years of high school and I played lacrosse for 2. I am a member of the Italian club, yearbook club, and history club. I have volunteered at the hospital my parents work at for over 50 hours as well. I was friends with a girl who graduated last year who got into UF with an 1170 SAT on two parts and a 3.5 GPA with the same amount of honors and AP classes that I have. She wasn't involved in any sports. Do I have any chance? Or am I wasting my time applying?</p>
<p>You should apply to both.</p>
<p>UF uses holistic admissions, with 50% being GPA/Class Rigor/Test Scores and 50% being EC’s/Leadership/Essay.</p>
<p>For UF your GPA is a little low, so you’ll need your EC’s, Essay and SAT score to compensate. You’re EC’s are great (for UF) and I’m sure you’ll do a great job with the Essay. It’s your SAT you need to focus on. The average SAT is 1960 (they now look at all three sections), so shot for something close. If you get close to it, you have a solid chance.</p>
<p>For UM, the average weighted GPA is 4.2, so you may want to calculate your weighted GPA to see where you stand, however, I think yours will be fine. The SAT (CR+M) range is 1270 (25% percentile) to 1410 (75% percentile). You need to shoot for a 1270+ SAT for a solid chance.</p>
<p>So, with some improvement to your SAT, you have a solid chance at both schools. More likely UM than UF (as an OOS student).</p>
<p>Remember to get your application in to UF by the Nov 1 deadline. After that date, your chances drop down to close to zero.</p>
<p>nope dont bother applying</p>